UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Did you apply into the College of Engineering?

Yes. Difficult courses and As. To be fair - some of these schools acceptance rates are ridiculously low now, but still…my larger point is that I don’t think the tests matter much this year.


yes, but at those schools with the really low acceptance rates everyone has straight As and high SAT, so really scores dont matter. It is expected that your scores are high so they don’t even needs them. They know who would or would not have high scores just by looking at application. The admissions counselors at these colleges are that good!! Good luck though sounds like your kid is on the right track. congrats.

Thank you. He feels really good about UCSB admit. It is a tough environment. I feel for these kids.


My weighted UC GPA was a 4.0 and UW was far less

My daughter was accepted at UCSB yesterday. She got the Chancellors invite today. Can you share what Chancellors means at UCSB? Is it a scholarship only? Are there early registration benefits? Thx!

I received the invite today. When it says “top admit”, is it just from GPA or is it also from essays and activities?

Back then, if you received the scholarship, not just the invite, then one got a $6,000/year scholarship, no registration benefits. Today, I don’t know.

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Top admit could be academics, EC’s, essays or special talents. Congratulations!!!


Thank you! UCSB is definitely one of my top choices and it would be a great choice to commit to. I still have a few schools to hear back from, including UCLA, so once that is complete I can make an informed decision on where to go :slight_smile:


Do you happen to know how many or what percentage of admitted students are invited to the Chancellor’s Reception? My son says top 15% but that seems like a lot.

@illinhacker as a parent, I am 100% in agreement that the College Board is actually into the profit and bonuses they get to pay their execs. Students are not their precious customer despite their mission. I hope they go out of business, TBH.


I do not know the percentage selected but it is not as selective as Regents which is around 1-2%. Perhaps @sushiritto my know?

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When the Chancellor Receptions were done to announce early acceptance, the numbers quoted were in the 13-15% range depending on the year. This year the receptions serve another purpose so there is no way to know what percentage received the invites. My guess is that Chancellor Yang will announce it at the reception.

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From 2017 Chancellor’s Reception announcing early acceptances

The director of admissions spoke first and announced that they received a record breaking 82,000 undergraduate applications and 45% of the applicants had GPAs of 4.0 or above. She said that they read 82,000 personal insight questions x 4 and read each two times. She said that they are looking for students who make UCSB stand out and for students who make UCSB rankings climb. They are looking for student leaders for their over 500 student led organizations. They are looking for change agents and future scholars.

She said that the students in the audience represent the top 15% of their applicants. Regents scholars had red ribbons attached to their name tags. The director of admissions said that Regents scholars represent the top 2% of applicants.

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Back in 2018, there were 5 receptions across the US, with 3 of those in CA. Two in SoCal and one in NorCal. The other two were NY and DC. With about 28,000 +/- accepted to UCSB, based on the attendance and # of name cards laid out on the tables, 13-15% @lkg4answers mentions above seems reasonable to me.

Edit: @lkg4answers found the answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow all sounds so impressive. With so many bright minds our future looks like its going to be in good hands.


My daughter feels the same way. We didnt have the finances for all the extra tutoring and what not, so she was somewhat relieved that the colleges were forces to look at her application as a whole. Her GPA is 3.6 and was rejected to CSULB, waitlisted at LMU but accepted into UCI and USCB for her choice of major in CS & Engineering. She had a tough year in 10th grade but showed improvement in 11th and obviously her current senior year. Diverse EC’s and strong personal essays, lots of community service. About 500 hours since 9th grade. We spoke with a lot of admission officers from the UC’s and they all told her the same thing, yes we love to see good grades and GPA’s but we will admit the well rounded student first who seems interesting before we admit a student with just the good numbers. So tough this year, and I feel so bad for all you kids. Just keep celebrating your achievements. You deserve all the praise!


Other than the possible notation of being among the top 15 percent of applicants, is there any ancillary benefit of the Chancellor’s invite? (ie priority enrollment or scholarship funds.)