UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Thank you @lkg4answers, @sushiritto, and @Gumbymom

I was looking for that same chart! I went to the Common data set and didn’t see that breakdown. It does show GPA and essays as the two “most important “ factors so perhaps it has changed?

you have had such a great attitude, and have been so gracious with your support for others who got in, even as you mourned getting waitlisted. I know you will love SLO, but I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for you! Please do update if you get off the waitlist!

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@LixianZu Congrats on Slo its an amazing school and I honestly regret not applying there way back. Everyone I know there has a fantastic time and couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

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The UCSB campus is beautiful and Santa Barbara has such a great vibe. Last summer, my daughter and I drove down from OOS and spent several days visiting the campus and exploring the town, to see if she would like it there, and she LOVED it. She liked it even more than UCLA which was the other school we visited on our trip. The great thing about Santa Barbara is that being a small city, it has all the amenities you’d need, but without the hassles, dangers, or distractions of a larger city. It’s really the perfect setting for a college.

Off topic, I know this thread is about decisions, but I just had to jump in and sing the praises of Santa Barbara.


@locogringo No thanks for sharing! An important part of the application discussion is the campus itself. These threads usually go through three phases. First is application questions. Second is speculation about the admission process. And lastly, its all about the school and deciding where to SIR.

Posters come and go but for some, its rinse, wash, and repeat for next years class and the year after that. For a few of us, its been years now. I’d like to thank @Gumbymom @lkg4answers and @sushiritto for the wealth of knowledge theyve shared to the community.


You are absolutely right about that. My son 2 years ago was lukewarm about UCSB but we went to visit the campus and the area and he immediately liked the campus and vibe. He turned in his SIR the next day and has really missed not being on campus during COVID and is excited about going back next fall. :crossed_fingers: UCSB has the past reputation of being just a party school but it really isn’t any different than any other university. You will find parties if you are looking for it or other activities that suit your interests if you aren’t into that scene.

It really sounds cliche but it really is true that you have to find a good “fit” and “feel” for the school and it’s really up to the student to make the most of the experience.

I think its reputation as a party school is a relic of the days when it was easy to gain admittance and the students were not as serious.

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That is absurd that you did not get in. I attribute it to test blind which really sucks because you Aced the SAT and Math! UC’s loss to lose you.

TEST BLIND MANDATE THIS YEAR. SAT/ACT counts for zero. Absolutely ridiculous but we can thank our court system and the pervasive atmosphere turning this app. process into a lottery system vs getting in on merit.

Congrats to those who got accepted!

My D and I agreed not to look at UCSB’s decision until tonight, reading from the thread and the stats for the admitted, we already knew it was a long shot after getting the rejection from UCI. We were right, another rejection.

This year definitely has been challenging for many. We will keep positive thoughts and hope for the best on the decisions we are still waiting to hear. Really hope we will come on here to post wonderful news soon too! We also know that realistically it would be tough as it looks like most admits have UW GPA >3.9s and amazing ECs. For those who are still waiting, hang in there!

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My d and her friend did

congratulations…are you from India?
And if you don’t mind, can you share her stats?

This what I have for UCSB application review criteria:

  • Very important: Academic GPA, Application essay, Rigor of secondary school record
  • Considered: Character/personal qualities, Class rank (ELC), Extracurricular activities, First generation college student, State residency, Talent/ability, Volunteer work, Work experience
  • Note: Eligibility established by high school GPA, course requirement. Special consideration for disadvantaged students.

College of Letters and Sciences: Choice of major is not considered in selection to the College of Letters and Science. The exceptions to this rule are dance and music performance majors. Both majors require applicants to complete an audition in late January or early February.

College of Engineering: Students are selected by major for all engineering and computer science majors. Only applicants with a solid background in advanced high school mathematics will be considered for admission to engineering. This includes high grades in all math courses through grade 11 and enrollment in pre-calculus or higher in grade 12. A student not selected for their first choice major will be reviewed for admission to an alternate major outside of the College of Engineering if one was selected.

College of Creative Studies:
Applicants to the College of Creative Studies submit a supplementary application in addition to the general UC Application, which is reviewed by Creative Studies faculty. Students are selected within Creative Studies majors only. Applicants not selected for Creative Studies will automatically be considered for admission to the College of Letters and Science.

Yes we are. Her GPA in September was low. UW was 3.5 as she had covid. But since has gone up to 4.0.
EC’s: state golf champion twice, played golf since 6. Football captain, swimmer gold medalist. Very Strong in athletics .
Piano till grade 5

2 medical internships
Organized couple of fundraisers successfully for the covid affected.
Taught computer and maths (underprivileged teenagers )
Community service at Mother Teresa’s

that’s great…congratulations to her :smiley:

The only problem is that my parents wont let me not take one, because I have ADHD and they would like me to become more mature before i go to college. That’s why I was gonna take one.

You know which graphic I’m talking about, right? UCSB updated their website and took it down. I haven’t sat in on a virtual admissions presentation to know if their criteria has changed. My guess is that the original graphic included test scores so UCSB took it down while things were being hashed out in the courts. I hesitate to post this link because I don’t know the website and the article is 3 years old but they have the old graphic.

It is really difficult to say this year. If the Chancellor’s invite is for Regents then that includes $6000/year and priority registration. If it is for L&S honors then it does not.

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This year is different for obvious reasons. But in past years, the general chancellor’s invite meant no special benefits except for the recognition of being a top admit. (And in past years it meant knowing you were admitted prior to the regular decision day) It is UCSB’s way of commending students and trying to get them excited about the school. It is a really nice event, the goal of which is yield. Regents is a subset of the larger Chancellor’s group.

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