UC Santa Barbara Class of 2027 Official Thread

DD accepted environmental science
Ca Public School
ELC yes
Gpa uw 3.87 w 4.66
Many ec most within major interest President 3 clubs
Class rank 6/300
2 environmental internships
12 AP 10 DE/CC
Also accepted UCD UCSD
Waitlisted UCLA UCI UChicago
Rejected Tulane RD


My daughter said her admissions letter said her major is Bio in CCS but she hasn’t heard from CCS directly yet, and I think they are supposed to. So we’re not sure.


Daughter Accepted, OOS
Environmental Studies
UW GPA 3.97
W GPA 4.6
7 AP classes

I can’t seem to access her Financial Aid Status page, it is just blank when I load it. Anyone else look like this? Maybe it is normal.


DS23 accepted, in state
Major: EE/CS
Waitlisted: UCLA & UCSD.
Rejected : SJSU

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Daughter accepted, in state. I’ve put her full stats on several other threads.
Major: Biology CCS (but she has not received the letter from CCS itself yet, so IDK)
Accepted: CSULA, CSULB, UCR w/ honors invite, UCSC w/CSP and campus merit, UCD, Cal Poly SLO, UCLA, UCSB
Rejected: UCI, UCSD

Still waiting on Cal. But she has SIR’d for UCLA and I’m very grateful to be done with the process. I’d have loved to see her do CCS at UCSB, but she decided she wasn’t ready to specialize that much yet, and wanted a more traditional undergrad. Good luck to everyone else still waiting and congratulations on all the acceptances to all the schools, not just to UCSB!


Congrats. But how is a 4.6 possible with just 7 AP classes? Honors classes don’t count for 5 unless articulated by UC and most aren’t

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Congratulations so which way is he leaning?


She has quite a few honors classes. I just didn’t count them all.

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Decision: Accepted - No scholarships
Major: Geography

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: Don’t know
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.64
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes
Class Rank: 3/549. Large public high school in a mid-size Central Valley city

COURSE LOAD: 4 UC Approved Honors courses, 5 AP courses, 8 Community College courses

Science Olympiad regional winner, Varsity Soccer league MVP, Track and Field Section Finalist, Film Festival short film winner

Extracurriculars: Very strong athlete - club and high school soccer and track and field, executive producer of school’s TV station, helped found a design club
Job/Work Experience: None
Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer soccer coach
Summer Activities: Loaded up on summer school at local community college
Personal Insight essays: Very strong. Focused on her mixed race heritage and how the different cultures have shaped her. After I read them, I was convinced she’d be a competitive applicant.

State/location of HS: CA, Central Valley
Applied for need-based financial aid: NO
First Generation: NO

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied:
Accepted: UCLA, Cal Poly SLO, UCI, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, Occidental, Pepperdine, Santa Clara, San Jose St, Sonoma St, Southern Utah
Waitlisted: UW
Rejected: Penn - early decision rejection

This was the last decision our daughter was waiting for. No idea where she’ll end up. She has some fantastic options, better than she ever dreamed she’d have. Best of luck to all the students and parents in this forum. I personally graduated from a community college, Cal State, and a UC (for grad school) and found all three experiences rewarding in their own way.


Probably DE


S23 Accepted Chemical Engineering 3.87 uw, 4.3w, above average ECs


can you share which other CS classes since it looks like he already took AP CS A?

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D23 got rejected and being her first UC rejection is very disappointed. UCSB was her top choice after UCLA
She is waitlisted at UCLA and accepted at UCSD, UCI, UCSC, UCD and UCR.
OOS WGPA 4.75 UW GPA 3.9

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She’s never officially toured UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, or Cal Poly SLO (although she’s been on all 3 campuses for various reasons in the past) so we are going to go on a big road trip during her Spring break to see them (I booked tours already) as these 3 are her top choices right now (still waiting for Cal). So excited/grateful for her that she has this many outstanding options.


DD rejected for Chemical Engineering. We were surprised but all is good as she got into UCLA, UCI, UCSD, UC Davis, SLO (all for engineering), good options.

Funny enough, she spent two summers doing research at UCSB and wrote about it in her essays - guess the other UCs liked that but not UCSB!

-National Merit Finalist
-Founder/President 2 clubs
-School Board Student Advisory City Council member
-Went to State for her varsity sport
-Works as tutor
-Summer research at UCSB
-Went to Carnegie Hall/instrument
-School has no APs but took all honors and 19 college credits at community college


UCSB has a gorgeous campus and Isla Vista is a total beach town. Hope she loves it!


data science
4.0/4.8 gpa (idk about uc gpa… lol i’ve tried to calculate it and it’s come out wrong every time)
Strong ECs with a lot of leadership and initiative (founder, president, ambassador, school representative, etc)
decent essays (imo 3/4 were good, 1 of them was terrible)

also accepted to ucla and ucsd!
rejected at uci


S23 Accepted for Mechanical Engineering

Major: Mechanical Engineering (for UCSB); Civil Engineering for all other schools
UC unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC weighted & capped GPA: 4.36
UC fully weighted GPA: 4.64
Number of A-G classes: 24
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses: 12
In-State/OOS/International: In-state
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

So grateful for the acceptances.

Accepted: UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UCD, Georgia Tech, Cal Poly SLO, SDSU, UW Seattle, Purdue, UTK, Oregon State, Boise State, UofA
Waitlisted: UCI
Waiting on UCB


Accepted - UCB
Rejected - SJSU

I thought I had seen everything. Was this for the same major?


yes. Rejected with a message saying something like does not meet the GPA requirements.

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