UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

My son was waitlisted overall from UCSB but was rejected separately from the CCS program (which he had listed as his second choice and was a total reach for him anyway). He said the CCS rejection letter was written quite nicely.


Daughter in state/Psyc- waitlist
3.75 UW/4.2 UC/ 4.5 Uncap

Daughter not happy that she didn’t get 1 California offer. Told her it’s not you, it’s the state we live in and the enormous amount of applications.

12 AP’s
4 year varsity softball, 5 years travel ball
2 clubs (officer of one)
lots of community service work

Rejected: UCD, UCI, UCLA
Waitlist: Cal Poly Slo, UCSC, UCSD, SDSU, UCSB
Waiting: Cal
Accepted: Hawaii, Washington


Did she apply to any other CSUs? Cal Poly Humboldt and SFSU are still accepting applications.


No, we thought Santa Cruz would be a viable backup (of course thought wrong). She didn’t like any of the the other areas colleges were located. Washington is actually her 4th/5th choice if money isn’t a factor. Not the end of the world. She will decide on a college and be happy once the shock factor wears off :slight_smile:


UCLA rejection letter (received on last Friday)

I actually thought it was rather nicely written – the AO recognizes that its impossible to smooth away rejection disappointment with words, and I found that moving.

What did the UCSB letter look like?


DS accepted tonight. Very excited for him. Big decision coming.
Univ of San Diego
Santa Clara
Penn State

No waitlist, No rejection. This was last school. Decision time.


I don’t doubt you, but I just find it crazy to believe that only 14 kids got off the waitlist in 2018. Was there any specific reason for this?:exploding_head:

Second this. My friend with similar (but slightly worse GPA) got into both Cal Poly SLO and UC Davis for CS, while getting waitlisted at UCSB

I was the exact opposite – waitlisted at both Cal Poly SLO and UC Davis, while getting into UCSB.

my other friends were some variation of waitlists/rejections/acceptances at UCI, UCLA, UCSD, Cal Poly and UC Davis, seemingly at random.

The only sort of consistency was with another one of my friends. Had 4.0 UW GPA, got into UCI Honors (early) UCSD, UC Davis, UCSB, rejected from UCLA.

However, there was a pattern my friends and I noticed – a lot of the UCSB admits (me included) were waitlisted at UCI/UCSD and sometimes Davis, while a lot of the UCSB waitlists/rejections got into either UCI or UCSD. It was almost like an inverse relationship.


DS accepted OOS engineering
Also accepted at UCLA, Cal Poly
Awaiting UCB
3.97 unweighted gpa
Great essays, great ECs, patent pending for invention


From our experience with friends, the community college path with what they call Guaranteed Transfer Program is the best. If you are transferring from another university they require 3.7-3.9 GPA, while they only require 3.3 for community college students. I have many friends whose kids understand the benefits of going to CC and saved their parents hundreds of K’s and then transferred to UCI, UCB, UCLA for the last 2 years which are the only years that matter. That said, my son came from a highschool where kids think the only schools that matter are UCs, refused to apply to CSU and CCs. He ended up at a private university which offered him a scholarship so the cost stays similar to UCs, but he is much happier there and doing well. The morale of the story is that we learned the lesson and educated our daughter that the CC path is a good one and she was ready for that


Congrats to all. Did anybody get invitation to the Honors program ?

I also have this question. Any news on Regents? UCSB usually announces them before the decision date but not this year. Didn’t see anything on my acceptance letter, but UCSC sent me Regents a few days after acceptance.

OOS/Political Science - Accepted! (and still in shock lol)
4.0 UW/4.73 UC

11 AP’s
6 years of varsity track n’ field (I go to a 6-12 school), 4 years of Varsity Cross Country, 3 years of Indoor track
6 clubs (Vice president of one, 11th & 12th grade rep for another, captain of mathcounts team, etc)
lots of campaign work within politics in local and large campaigns
School’s junior college admissions officer (I help my peers with FAFSA and common apps)
Citation of recognition from state senate and helped shape state’s redistricting maps
first gen american and first gen college student!

Rejected: Pomona, MIT, Caltech, Northeastern, UNC Chapel Hill, Colorado College
Waitlist: UCLA, UChicago, Johns Hopkins, Amherst, Williams, Case Western, American, Bowdoin, etc
Waiting: UCB, the Ivies, Stanford, Georgetown, BU, BC, Northwestern, Tufts, etc.
Accepted: UCSB, UCSC, Davidson, UVA, URichmond, UMiami, etc

gonna be a tough decision!


I do not have any specific information regarding why the 2018 waitlist admitted only a few students.

Many of the UC’s had a low admit rate from their waitlists that year.

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Appreciate the insights

Wasn’t that the year after some of the UCs over enrolled? NY Times article

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OOS Economics major.

Accepted: UCSB, UCSD

Awaiting UCB.

Congrats to all kids who got admitted to UCSB. Very good school and seriously in DS22’s consideration set.


@Gumbymom when do we find out about the honors programs?

I was thinking about the possibility of over enrollment issues but did not yet do the research. Thanks for information and link.

@advitha, can you elaborate on the honors email for those who are questioning?


Do you mind posting the link where you got these stats? Thanks!