UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Strange I’m seeing so many people waitlist at UCD like up but get into this school at UCLA

UC admissions are all over the map. Congratulations on your daughter getting into UCLA with Regents


My daughter has been waitlisted at 5 schools including UCSB, UCSD & UCSC (but admitted to UCD & Cal Poly SLO) Will be interesting to see what movement if any happen with these lists given the rather strange admissions cycle we are seeing.


Wow those are impressive stats with perplexing results. I’m sorry she didn’t get into her top choice. There’s nothing else she could have done in my opinion! I’m wondering about her PIQs and if they just didn’t resonate with the admissions folks? What else could it be? So frustrating. Congrats on Davis and SLO. Does she prefer one over the other at this point?


Who knows? She is very very impressive and the logical conclusion to this run is a straight admit to UCB. I also think she is likely near the top of the UCSD wait-list. So I’m hoping things work out for her.


That is kind of you to say:) Her PIQs were spot on too so not sure how UCSD in particular where she was a perfect fit to the major (cog sci with concentration in design and interaction) & Sixth College (blend of tech & design) didn’t see it - she wants to be a UX/UI designer. At this point she is unsure which to choose between Calpoly and Davis. one day she leans towards one and the next day the other :joy: we are going to visit them both on the April 7-9th weekend so hoping for some clarity:). Personally I think Davis offers more breadth and it looks like she might be able to double major in design & cognitive science or do a minor in comp sci.
I think you may be visiting one of these schools as well?


Thank you for your kind comments! We do not have high hopes for UC Berkeley as she was denied from UCLA & UCI which were also her other top choices but I guess anything can happen right?!
Was wondering where she might fall on all of these waitlist but we can’t really have false hopes with that so we are trying to refocus:) Certainly nothing wrong with either of the two schools that she got into they’re just not what she had pictured for her next four years but I’m sure she will be fine at either:)


Accepted for Math (pre applied math?)
In State
UW: 4.0 UC: 4.47
Accepted: UCSB, Cal Poly SLO, Northeastern, Oberlin
Waitlist: UCLA, UCSD, UCSC
Denied: UChicago, Pomona, Williams
Pending: Cal, Stanford.


Son was:

  • Admitted
  • In-state
  • Computer Science
  • College - ollege of Engineering (COE)
  • UCGPA - 4.26, UW - 3.96, W - 4.67
  • 12 AP’s - 5’s on 9 STEM AP’s, 4’s on AP WH, AP LIT, AP USH
  • Accepted @ UCD, UCSD, UCSB. WL @ CALPOLY SLO, UCI. Rejected @ UCLA. Waiting for UCB, USC…

Good luck to everyone out there. Glad to see so many kids and parents caring about education, school and career.


Holy cow that is a lot of App fees

Your daughter should appeal. My D19 had similar stats (great gpa, 7*5’s AP, 35 ACT) and was waitlisted at UCSB. (Accepted UCI, UCSC, WL- UCSB, UCD, UCSD) She wrote a letter of appeal to UCSB and we drove there to hand delivered it. She was accepted soon after and is thriving there. She is double majoring in maths and biology. D19 was accepted off all her waitlists eventually.

D22 was rejected yesterday from UCSB, very disappointed but it was not her first choice. She was also WL at UCSC so we have our fingers crossed for that one. All the best to you.


Yes… we will be in Davis on the 11th. We couldn’t swing it to be there on the 9th for Aggie Day.

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@123Class2023parent: UCSB no longer allows appeals from waitlisted students. You have to be denied to file an appeal.

@gooseblitz congrats! Very exciting!

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Any preferences at this point? Btw I think we are from the same area:)

I don’t see that SFSU is still accepting applications? Humboldt is – but other than that, with the CSU’s, I think it’s just the maritime academy?

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My DD OOS- Rejected from UCSB School of letters and Sciences (English/Writing)
4.0 Unweighted GPA (don’t remember weighted)
33 ACT
She was waitlisted by UCLA and NYU and was Accepted at the University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, Northeastern, Fordham and Tulane (the last three with top scholarships)


I’m low income so I didn’t have to pay any app fees fortunately


So many great options! Congratulations!

Thanks! I think she has great options too. She on the other hand is devastated due to the waitlisted schools being her top choices.