UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I’m doing this all over again next year, too, with my S23. Yay us! :grimacing:


Daughter accepted OOS in UCSB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSC so far. Waiting on UCB.
4.33 GPA UW. 11 AP. 4 year Golf varsity team. Captain this senior year.


Impressive. Does she have other in state options as well? UCs while great are just super expensive for OOS.

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Hi @JenBar … I am really hoping UCB comes through for you tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:


We are in Ventura County. From your comments in the various forums over the last few weeks I thought we were closer:)

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Close enough! West SF Valley. :sunglasses:


Thanks! Yes, she is accepted in Rutgers in the state, but her heart is set on California schools! also accepted in UW and Villanova. But UCLA is looking good so far.


I hear ya. My son had a 3.8 UW, 4.1 weighted, 9 AP classes…passed all AP tests, top 8% of his class, Varsity in 2 sports and and an Eagle Scout. Got accepted to all of the OOS schools with similar acceptance rates, yet NOTHING in CA. Sad state of affairs when you pay taxes for state schools and you children’s accomplishments are only valued by OOS. Not happy with this process and happy he knew enough to also apply outside of of California where he and his parents were born and raised.


If a student that was accepted cs decides on another school, do they move the undeclared cs kid into those cs spots?

Well, that says creativity right in there as a key part of what they are looking for. He’s in at SLO, which I think will be an awesome (and more affordable) fit for him, but it does make me second guess whether he should have changed whatever he had to start. Hmmmm. I don’t think we came across that presentation when he was in the thick of essay writing. Hindsight.

Great to hear! Purdue is at the top of his list with UCI, Cal Poly SLO, and he’s heavily considering ASU Barrett Honors. We’re visiting Purdue in April. I think the biggest downside, is that it’s a bit difficult to get to from SF.

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You have to remember that all schools admit more students than enroll so there would have to be many CS admits that decline their acceptance before they would consider the Undeclared’s to take their spots.

I have not heard of any Undeclared’s upon enrolling that were admitted into the CS major after the fact.

When it comes to CS at the UC’s, direct admit is the only guarantee. My younger son wasn’t willing to attend any school without a CS direct admit so ended up at Cal state and is doing extremely well after graduating.


I’m sorry your son did not get the results he hoped for. What major was he applying into and did he apply to any CSUs?

askmssun was mentioning in her website that she knows 4 kids who only got into UCB (rejected from every other UC). Maybe many will hear good news tomorrow. Best wishes!

D22 4.0/4.44/4.5 - Accepted first choice CS with Honors
Rejected: UCLA
Waitlisted: UCI, UCD, UCSD
Accepted: UCSB ,UCSC and UCR(alternate CE) - applied CS everywhere as first choice

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Biology, I believe. UCSD waitlisted, UCSB rejected, SDSU rejected, SLO have not received a decision, so from what I have read, that will also be a rejection. Waiting for Berkeley, but based on what he has received so far, we know where that is headed. I am sure his ELC status will offer San Marcos. No comment on that.

Hi all,

Got into UCSB for Applied Mathematics and hoping to change my major to Computer Engineering. I’m aware of the highly competitive nature of transferring into engineering at UCSB. My only question is do I provide any explanation/exposition/what I’ve been up to or straight up just give them the data they request.

Here’s my current drafted email:

Name: xxxxx
Application ID: xxxx
Accepted Major: Applied Mathematics, B.S.
Requested Major: Computer Engineering

Fall Semester:
A - AP English Literature and Composition (AP)
A - AP Calculus BC (AP)
A - AP Spanish Language and Culture (AP)
A - AP Macroeconomics (AP)
A - Astronomy 1
A - Leadership
A - Psychology
A - Street Law

Spring Semester:
U.S. Government
AP English Literature and Composition (AP)
AP Calculus BC (AP)
AP Spanish Language and Culture (AP)
AP Microeconomics (AP)
Astronomy 2
History and Appreciation of Film

You cannot change into Computer Engineering as an in-coming Freshman until you enroll and complete the course requirements. It is not an Open major.

UCSB students in a non-engineering major, as well as students wishing to change from one engineering major to another, are welcome to apply after the satisfactory completion of a pre-defined set of coursework. However, due to the current demand for engineering majors, students are cautioned that it is a very competitive process and not all applicants will be able to change their majors due to limited space availability.


Students may petition to enter the Computer Engineering major at any time both of the following requirements are met:

  1. An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
  2. Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.0 or better, of any five classes, including at least two Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) classes and two Computer Science (CMPSC) classes, from the following: Math 4B, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A, CMPSC 16, 24, 32, 40.

Acceptance into the major will be based on UC grade point averages, applicable courses completed, and space availability. All students considering changing into Computer Engineering are required to to meet with the ECE Academic Advisor during their first year.

Your son sounds like an amazing candidate and a great human being. A group of us were joking about starting a movement to rebel against our massive CA property taxes. Like the Boston Tea Party, but we’ll call it the Pacific Ocean Party. Considering some of us are already paying property taxes close to annual in-state tuition each year, we always hoped we’d reap the benefit in some way. Of course we all get how competitive college admissions has become and there are no guarantees, but we are trying to find the humor in the situation so we can all move on. And give our tuition dollars to another state!


This is from the UCSB admissions website:

The limited number of spaces available in the College of Engineering make it extremely rare for a request to change to an engineering major to be approved. If you still wish to request to change your major to an engineering major, send an email with your request to admissions@sa.ucsb.edu. Please include your fall term grades and a listing of the courses in which you are currently enrolled. The subject line should read "Major Change Request.”

Please note: This is for pre-matriculation major change requests only. Current UCSB students should contact the College of Engineering directly.

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I stand corrected. Best of luck.