UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Any GPA listed over 4.4 would be uncapped fully weighted.


You can also see that the interquartile ranges displayed on hover have values 4.5 and above. That would confirm that the GPA #s there are uncapped.


Thank you. That was a bit confusing.

Amazing how UCSB still has a party school reputation. These kids with 4.4 gpa just flip a switch when they get there ?


Yes, they do just flip a switch if they haven’t already flipped it in HS!

We (half) joke in my family that UCSB has “dumbed down” my older D in her 2 1/2 years there. She’s having an amazing time and is in Cabo right now for Spring Break with her sorority sisters living her best life. At least for her, that party school reputation proved very accurate :slight_smile: I do think there is some self-selection as kids who want to have tons of college fun will choose UCSB over, say, UCSD where i imagine, on average, the kids are a bit more academically serious. No doubt my D isn’t hanging with too many engineers or pre-med kids at UCSB who are surely cranking academically just like anywhere else. Perhaps I should be concerned that my younger D is praying she gets in here tomorrow!!!


I joke my daughter and her friends have gone Girls Gone Wild on us! She was never the overly social party girl but things changed this year. I think Covid was so hard on them they are embracing their return of freedoms. She’s still maintaining her grades so I am not too worried but there has been a definite shift and I would say she is enjoying life a lot more ;).


You realize we have probably scared most of the parents on this site who are now secretly hoping for a UCSB rejection tomorrow …

  1. Reputation and self selection - Not all, but many students choose a school based off of reputation.

  2. Isla Vista - 90+% students rentals. Property owners and families don’t tend to live in IV. It is isolated from town with very few cars. Filled with bikes during the day and groups of students walking down the center of the streets at night.

  3. SBCC - UCSB is on the quarter system so the partying used to be cyclical depending on the week of the quarter. There is/was a lot happening at the beginning of the quarter and dead week was relatively quiet. SBCC students started moving into IV and they are on the semester system with a different midterm schedule, different final schedule and different partying schedule.


Haha! This is my high-schooler, I can only imagine next year :grimacing:!


Outside of the fun times at UCSB, my D is legitimately crazy happy there in every respect and can’t imagine being anywhere else. She did ED at Northwestern and is so happy she didn’t get in … talk about a contrast to UCSB! One other benefit of UCSB … my D is a big spender. Has only the best taste and would gladly break my credit card if given the opportunity. Good news is that in IV its very difficult to spend a lot of $. Even her house this year which is literally on the beach is way cheaper (by almost 1/2) of what I paid for off campus housing for my older son when he was at UCB. Good luck to your D tomorrow!!


Nine hours to go. Good luck to all.


When admissions decisions are announced, please include

  • Admitted/Waitlisted/Rejected
  • In-state vs OOS
  • Major
  • College - Letters & Science (L&S), College of Engineering (COE), College of Creative Studies (CCS)
  • If you feel comfortable sharing your GPA, please use your UC GPA. UC GPA can be calculated here.

**Note: Computer Science, College of Engineering and College of Creative Studies are extremely competitive, small departments at UCSB. Many high stats students will be rejected from these programs. It is important to keep that in mind when results are posted.


From what I can tell so far for UC decisions if admitted receive nice welcome email(s) and if not then receive a generic “your portal has been updated” email. Best wishes to everyone on remaining decisions!


i got accepted to UCSD and the email to check my portal said “UC San Diego has posted a status update to your Applicant Portal. Please take a moment to check your status.”


EAch UC does it differently I guess

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11 posts were split to a new thread: UCDB Portal Astrology

Does anyone check the CCS Portal? Status has been updated and you can see if you are admitted by CCS or not.


I wasn’t aware there was a CCS-specific portal. Where is that located?

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You must apply separately for CCS, otherwise, you wouldn’t see it.

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My student applied to CCS, but as a secondary major - would that mean no portal for him?