**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

whoops deleted

Just got my finaid offer. Only loans :(. Guess ucsc may be out of the run, despite it being my top choice :confused:


Me too :broken_heart:


my friendā€™s daughter chose reed and really regrets it. sheā€™s been trying to transfer to ucsc and is awaiting decision now. reed is very small and most students are introverts, according to my friendā€™s daughter. theyā€™re located in the bay area.


Oh really? Thatā€™s great information, thank you. I also got accepted to UC Davis so now Iā€™m thinking about UCSC vs. Davis- I think Reed is a bit too expensive for us in any case.

Curious how UCSC utlizes the waitlist. It seems they use it more than others. My son was wait listed rather early in the process (I think it was early last week). However so were some of his friends. Last year his cousin got waitlisted and eventually got an offer in June. So you can see in my experience I see a lot of wait listing with UCSC.

Of course no knows for sure but can you guys share with me your insights on what this means for my son? Like is it a good sign and thereā€™s a legit chance (say 20% or better) he will eventually get an offer. Or is it more like UCSC packs their waitlist more than others (maybe to ensure they get a full class each year)?

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Yes my nephew who was wait listed last year got his acceptance late May I believe. I think they wait for the letter of intent and see how enrollment looks like then they hit up the list.

Here is the waitlist data for several years:

2020 stats:
Waitlist offers: 16484
Waitlist opt-ins: 10370
Waitlist admits: 8870

2019 stats:
Waitlist offers: 12,859
Waitlist opt-ins: 7,576
Waitlist admits: 4,686

2018 Data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 12,504
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 7,453
Number of wait-listed students admitted :149

2017 Data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:10,378
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 6038
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 2236
Is your waiting list ranked? No

2016 Data:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9983
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 5707
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4097

Is this system wide? Numbers seem high for UCSC

These stats are only for UCSC.

Iā€™m stunned. My daughter just got accepted to Davis. I thought that was more competitive that UCSC. SC is her #1 and she was waitlisted. Iā€™m tearing my hair out for her. Still, pleased about Davis!

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Ok I first read admits as ā€œenrolledā€. Makes sense so thanks.

Do we know if the waitlist is ranked?

This canā€™t actually be right. They admitted over 8000 students off of the waitlist in 2020? Arent there only 17k students at UCSC?

The data I listed is from the Common dataset 2020. UCSB accepted over 7000 off their waitlist. Covid caused alot of students to take Gap Years or Defer so there were plenty of spots last year.
See section C2 https://mediafiles.ucsc.edu/iraps/common-data-set/common-data-set-2020-21.pdf

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Got into UCLA for CSā€¦ now Iā€™m not sure what to do.

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If Berkeley is a no, itā€™s going to be one tough decision between UCLA and UCSC.

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Congrats! That is tough. We love the SC campus but UCLA is great for job placement.

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I think you will get in at Berkeley.


I just got into UCLA too! Goodbye Cal Poly SLO and hello UCLA. If I get off the UCSC waitlist Iā€™ll still consider it but for now Iā€™m a Bruin!


Weā€™ll see very soon :slight_smile: