**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

Congrats! I knew you’d get into a school you love. We may not be banana slugs together, but we’ll be UC buddies!

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I can just tell from seeing your postings here. And I am a good judge of such things. :grinning:

Yes yes yes!

Admitted mean they got an offer but not necessarily enrolled, or so I assume

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Good kind of tough decision. Congratulations on your admittance. Fingers crossed that Berkeley is in the cards.

is there a WL thread/discussion for UCSC?

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No, you are welcome to start one since I have been a bit negligent in my duties. I am having a hard time keeping up with all the UC forums this year.


UC Santa Cruz vs UC Davis for CS major - which one to choose? Any particular things to look into for making the decision? Thanks!

Both Davis and UCSC are very strong schools, especially for CS. They both have great connections to Silicon Valley and have tons of internship/job opportunities. My greatest advice to you is to choose whichever school you feel comfortable and happy at. For me, I wasn’t a fan of UC Davis. However, you may absolutely love it. It comes down to each individual’s preferences. I’m currently debating between UCSC and UCLA, and I’m pretty torn because I grew up near LA and had many fond memories there, but I also know that I connected with Santa Cruz more when I visited. At the moment, I’d say I’m leaning towards UCSC 51% versus UCLA 49%. If you have the opportunity to do so, take a trip up to NorCal and tour both schools. Then, you’ll be able to truly know which one you resonate with more.


Why didn’t you love UC Davis? Just out of curiosity as someone who is going through a similar debate, lol

How reliable are these statistics on waitlist acceptance (from 2019)? If this is to be believed, there is a great deal of variance, specifically a very small chance of getting accepted off the Cal Poly waitlist but a significance chance (62%) for UCSC. I am also interested in the same for Davis, but they don’t have them. I can think of reasons they might vary, but I’m just wondering if it’s worth holding out hope for UCSC (accepting somewhere else of course).

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The waitlist stats are taken from the Common Dataset so unless UCSC altered the numbers, they should be accurate. Waitlist admits vary from year to year depending upon how many students enroll by May 1. Last year was an exception due Covid Gap years and deferrals. I believe there will be movement on the waitlists but this is been a tough year for many applicants so I would not expect really large # of admits from the waitlist but you never know.

Here are the 2019 numbers for UCD. Still looking for the 2020 stats.
There is no waitlist data from 2020 but here is some from 2019.
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9213
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 3207
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 24

@pbcparent: There is now a separate discussion for the waitlist and I found the 2020 waitlist information. I will post below but any more questions, please post on the Waitlist discussion thread.

I found the 2020 Waitlist numbers for UCSC which are posted on the CDS:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 16484
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 10370
Number admitted: 8870

UC Davis 2020:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 13092
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 4960
Number admitted: 3969

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The campus and city were too boring and isolated (to me). There isn’t any close airport so it’s a really big pain to get back home. I also just really disliked the farm/cow city it’s known to be. To me, it was pretty much the opposite of what I wanted: a beautiful campus right on the coast.


Hmmm I could definitely see those being downsides- thank you so much for the information. (:

FYI: Sacramento airport is 20 minutes away from UC Davis. My son would fly home often during school breaks and the proximity to the airport was one reason he chose UC Davis.

Seems like Sacramento international is pretty close to Davis. Might be easier to get to or similar to San Jose airport from UCSC. I think Davis shuttle to UC Berkeley is cool, plus all the train access to San Francisco Bay Area & proximity to Tahoe & skiing. Both seem like great schools.


@RyanBball432: When we did a tour of UCSC, we were told there is a shuttle to the SJSU airport from campus. Something to research.

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It’s unclear to me where these figures come from. Did you accidentally mis-copy the text from different UCs or different years? These numbers aren’t correct for either school/year.

I found the 2020 Waitlist numbers for UCSC:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 15500
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 9800
Number admitted: 8330

The UC Santa Cruz 2020 Common Data Set gives entirely different figures: https://mediafiles.ucsc.edu/iraps/common-data-set/common-data-set-2020-21.pdf

UC Davis 2020:
Number of applicants offered waitlist: 13092
Number of applicants opting into the waitlist: 4960
Number admitted: 3969


These are the numbers off the UC counselor conference:
Approximately 15,500 students were offered a waitlist spot. Of those, 9800 accepted the offer.
Of those who accepted a waitlist offer, we were able to accommodate nearly 85% of students.

The conference was held 9-2020 so perhaps the numbers were updated when the data was posted on the CDS? I will edit the post with the CDS numbers so there is no confusion.