UC Santa Cruz Class of 2027 Official Thread

Accepted for Computer engineering!!!
UC Gpa: like 3.93 or 3.96?
Unweighted gpa: 3.3 or 3.2 if you don’t include pe
I have some ecs. Gardening, and volunteering.
Applied to: UCSC, UCR, UCM, UCD, CSULB, and Cal poly slo. (had bad grades so wasn’t very confident)
Accepted: UCSC, UCR, UCM, CSULB, Cal poly slo
Pretty happy with results


Sorry to pester you guys. Did parents receive an email if the student was accepted? Also, did students who were denied/waitlisted get an update email or did that just go to those who got in? I’m asking because my daughter is stressed out right now, and I don’t want to suggest she check her emails if I think it is going to be bad news. I don’t have access to her portal or email.

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My son was accepted in the first wave (February), and I haven’t received a single email from Santa Cruz. All communication has gone to his email address.

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No emails to parents. However, delaying the checking of emails is not going to change the outcome so better to get clarity earlier than later?


Their portal has a setting to choose who will be notified, parent, counselor, etc. It depends on what your kid has there.

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Weighted GPA: 4.4, unweighted GPA: 4.0
Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: (skipped 11th, so graduation in 3 years) 27 a-g
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE classes: 4 Honors, 1 AP, 10 DE college classes
Intended Major: Astrophysics
Non-local CA resident from small public high school in rural area
Top 9% of class at junior year for UC
EC’s: Varsity Cheer, ASB Vice President, class VP’s 2 years, Interact, NHS, part-time job 15 hours per week. Good PIQ’s.

Waitlisted: UCD
Accepted: SDSU, Cal Poly SLO, CSULB, Cal Poly Humboldt, U of Arizona

As of now, leaning towards Cal Poly SLO as top choice.


Waitlisted - posted in his portal 11:50am, received email at 3:30pm titled “waitlist deadline”. No email was sent to him when the decision was posted. No emails have been sent to me from UCSC.

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Thanks for the info!

Good point! Unfortunately, my daughter is easily derailed by disappointment, and she has a ton of homework this evening she needs to focus on. :frowning:


Thank you for the reply!

My understanding is at UCSC everyone got in with “intended major”. As long as your intended major is listed on the admit letter, it should be no restriction to declare the major after taking all required courses.


Got it. Thank you! Hoping your child gets off the waitlist! I’m pretty much expecting a rejection, so waitlist would be a win for us!

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My twins got accepted in the first wave.I got email from UCSC for one kid but not for the other kid.

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Thank you, and congrats on the twins getting in! I wish all the schools would keep the parents in the loop automatically, but it seems every college does it differently.

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Both my sons accepted in the first wave and I got the emails from ucsc only a day after to congratulate me. I would have my kid check the result now, since it’s way more important than his homework at this point and kid needs to learn to manage stress. Best of luck :crossed_fingers:

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D23 was accepted in the first wave, we (parents) did receive a “Congratulations” email about a day later I believe.

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Thanks. And congrats to your daughter!

TY and good luck to yours! :crossed_fingers:

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Thank you. And congrats on your sons getting in!

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Thanks for finding and posting.