UC Santa Cruz Class of 2027 Official Thread

We have not received any thing yet.

Can anyone comment on UCSC robotics program and share stats on outcomes ? Internship opportunities etc?

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Aid just showed up in DD’s portal as non-CA resident. Spent an hour on the phone with different departments only to be told to send an email to the Residency Deputy. DD accepted at 9 other schools and three UCs and this is the only one this has happened, only one of those schools is OOS. Guess we wait for the email reply?

My daughter sent an email to Financial Aid. She received the automatic message saying their response time is 1-2 weeks. She will try calling them but the worst case scenario we find someone to talk to at the banana slug day.


Financial Aid told me to contact the registrar because they are the ones that change the residency. But good idea about Banana Slug Day, we will be there. I was on hold for 50 minutes for FA.


I will tell her to check her portal tonight when she gets home (spring break is on and we barely see her lol) to see if anything changed. Our verification request came from the FInAid not the registrar office. Not sure why they are referring you the registrar. Anyhow, we will find out soon :slight_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Santa Cruz Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Congrats. Would you mind sharing stats?

Yep, I have to agree as well. My son was heavily leaning towards UCSC until we visited and took a tour. There were many happy students there but it did not feel like a good fit for him. So I definitely recommend visiting before making a final decision.

There is a good bus system in SC for getting downtown or to the beach (the boardwalk or natural bridges) within about 30 min.

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Did you ever share your daughter’s stats? I searched the thread and couldn’t find them. My daughter wants to apply to Marine Biology next year so I’d love to have any information you’d be willing to share.:slight_smile:

Any resolution for you guys?
No FA for my daughter yet and the COA still shows OOS rate.

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No, not yet! I’ve called, emailed and called and emailed again. Still showing OOS rates. She’s been admitted at other UCs and they all have her in-state. One person said she has to accept first before they can change it. I asked them how she can commit without having the proper financials. I am a bit frustrated, getting the run-around for their mistake.

I honestly don’t think that is correct and I will keep bugging them to correct it before she accepts.

Are you going Saturday?

Yes, we are flying out on Fri night and will spend the whole day Saturday on campus.

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See you there!

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How can this be? They want you to accept BEFORE you see a corrected financial aid package? I am very confused and frustrated!
"You may be wondering why you received an out-of-state budget and financial aid package. This is likely because your residence status has not been determined and the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office cannot guarantee California State or University Grants until your residency has been finalized.

The Statement of Legal Residence, the questionnaire we use to determine your tuition and fees will be available on April 12. You will see the SLR populate on your to-do list once the new fall SLR is active. The SLR will prompt a residence review. You will gain access to the Residency Information page 48-72 hours after accepting admission and have paid all required deposits.

If you have a financial aid package pending, your financial aid budget will be revised after the residence determination has been made."

It appears so. To me, that is really not right.

That is so weird. When did you receive this email? One of the items that were pending on my daughter’s portal was to confirm the citizenship since SSA did not do that. She was not born in US but is a US citizen. So we submitted a copy of her passport and the CA ID (as requested) a month ago. The documents show on her portal as accepted and approved and she has no other pending items. Her COA still shows OOS rate and no CA grant or any scholarships.

There are no documents for her to fill out in her portal. The other UCs have her as a CA resident and it’s the same form. Got the email response when I sent a 4th/5th email today from last week. I am going to try the drop-in zoom tomorrow morning. It is unbelievable they are saying you need to commit and pay deposits before they will change your package. She even got a package from a school she was waitlisted at! She was not born int he US, either, but is a citizen, as well. She’s never even moved! LOL!