UC Santa Cruz Class of 2027 Official Thread

It’s in the portal now (IF you have a decision, but many more will come later, like 2 weeks from now). In my experience with my son two years ago, he got an email about 4 hours later.

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My kid did not receive an email, he just checked his portal (at school on his phone :wink:)

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same with my son 2 years ago.

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Results for my daughter…
Decision: ACCEPTED (she’s so excited!! One of her top choice schools)
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): ?
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Neuroscience (proposed)
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.94 Regular high school UW is 3.98 (edited post because I made a mistake on the Roger’s Hub calculator the first time lol)
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.44
UC Fully Weighted GPA: idk, her transcript GPA is 4.68
Honors: 4 Associate’s degrees earned before graduating from high school

ELC (top 9% CA HS): No, we homeschool technically, though she didn’t take any high school classes at home.

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of a-g courses: 34 (Full load dual enrollment since sophomore year.
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 26 (DE classes)
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): None
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): None

Extracurriculars: nationally ranked at her sport, club secretary one club, another club related to her major, and probably others I am forgetting
Job/Work Experience: Tutoring Chemistry at community college and private tutoring
Volunteer/Community service: Volunteering with USA Climbing and community educational outreach
Summer Activities: Research internship four years at local university

Personal Insight essays (details): Substantial difficulties overcome, explained her research internship and how it relates to her future goals, explained her nontraditional education path, and academic interest outside the classroom

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): SoCal
Applied for need-based financial aid? No
First Generation? No

Congrats to everyone accepted today!!


Decision: Accepted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any): ? (probably not)
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Undeclared into the School of Human Psychology, Culture, Society


UC Unweighted GPA: 3.96
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.28
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.32

ELC (top 9% CA HS): Definitely statewide ELC, really unsure about schoolwide

Comments about course load (including senior year): Pretty rigorous but not top, top rigor (APs + one DE class); progressively more rigor from 10th-12th (4 of 6 weighted courses Senior Year); school doesn’t offer many Honors courses, just AP and IB
Number of a-g courses: 25?
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 9-ish?
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): AP Chem (didn’t report score lol – COVID year and she got a 2); AP Lang (5); APUSH (5); AP Bio (4); taking 4 APs now (Lit, Econ, American Gov, Environmental Science)
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses): n/a she’s not in IB (though she’s taking IB Studio Art this year anyway and I think that gets the Honors point)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none

Extracurriculars: Pretty strong (sustained activity for 10+ years, choral singing at a very high/quasi professional level; plus related leadership and mentoring around same); 4 years of a club sport at school
Job/Work Experience: Summer jobs (camp counselor etc.), school year job few hours/per week related to ECs
Volunteer/Community service: Mainly one sustained activity over the course of about 2 years – 200+ hours for sure, maybe more – kind of a non-traditional activity that I think sets her apart
Summer Activities: See above + many activities related to EC

Personal Insight essays (details): Strong. Definitely 3 of the 4 strong, at least – responses cohesive with the EC list

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS (if domestic applicant): In-state, Bay Area
Country (if international applicant):
Applied for need-based financial aid? Yes but won’t get it
First Generation? No

Pretty excited as UCSC might be a really good fit for her personality and interests.


No email, but checked Portal and S23 accepted.

Proposed Computer Science BS
UW 3.96 / CW 4.25 / W 4.6 or so
ELC: Yes

6 academic classes each year, 11 APs, CS A (5), Calc AB (5), Eng Lang (5), Physics 1 (4), APUSH (4), Physics 2, Calc B/C, Eng Lit, Gov, Econ, Psych (would have been Stats, but schedule did not permit)
2 UC Approved Honors courses: Honors Chem and CompSci AB

No Major Awards.

Track and Cross Country - 4 years, 3 as Varsity
Summer job at Universal Studios Hollywood
100 hrs volunteer work a dental clinic for underprivileged youth
Robotics Team

In-state Large Public

Fiat Lux! Hope you all get the chance to be Banana Slugs.


Decision: Accepted
Merit scholarships awarded (if any):?
Major (and division if applicable) applied to: Robotics Engineering (applied to Mechanical Engineering everywhere else but UCSC does not have mechE)
Calculate your GPAs with GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub 4
UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0 (school has +/- on grades, he has 3.95 at application, 3.92 after 1st semester senior year)
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.33
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.52

ELC (top 9% CA HS): probably not

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: school has no AP only honors
AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): self studied for 2 AP tests (4, 4)
IB courses/exams (score in parentheses):

Extracurriculars: founder of school robotics club but haven’t gone to competitions, club soccer NPL level, school soccer and track/field, Martial arts black belt, demo team leader, very successful with Martial Arts, did research online and presented at professional meetings
Job/Work Experience: coach soccer summer camps
Volunteer/Community service: food bank, cancer research lab
Summer Activities: InSpirit AI, MIT BWSI

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No

State/location of HS: CA, San Francisco
Applied for need-based financial aid? No
First Generation? No

Congrats to eveyone!


No email but checked portal

Neuroscience major
Unweighted 4.0
UC capped weighted 4.3
School weighted 4.6
Rank 16 / > 400 students
I think average EC : lots of volunteer with special needs and adult memory care , part time jobs, pres of environmental, nhs etc

APs - AP chem 4, AB calc 4, AP bio 4, AP world 4, apush 3.


Does anyone know what proposed major means or the difference between proposed major and admitted major?

Proposed major is your admitted major. For UCSC, you are admitted into a proposed major and then need to complete course requirements to formally declare that major. What is your proposed major?


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I got in! International Student from India majoring in Astrophysics!


Daughter got in! No email but checked portal. OOS. Proposed major is Cognitive Science.


D23 accepted in Marine Biology! Will update stats later - no email yet, portal checked!
Thanks @Gumbymom and all the other brilliant minds at CC for your advice along the way! :heart:


Team how many students (who were admitted) here also did SIP (Science Internship Program) at UCSC?

Any pattern so far for decisions?

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Mainly High Stat candidates who did not get yield protected. Most of them won’t enroll UCSC as they seem to be of student profile of UCSD, UCI, UCSB, UCD as well.


I wouldn’t use “yield protection” for any UCs. Large public schools just don’t really work like that. Also, my daughter who was admitted today very well could end up enrolling at UCSC even if she gets into more selective UCs later. It’s a great school and a good fit for a lot of students!

Edited to add: I think some UCs – depending on campus housing, etc. – use waitlists to “manage” yield. But not really “yield protect.”


I agree with High stat applicants and some may be scholarship recipients but yield protect is questionable??? I am sure there many competitive applicants that place UCSC as their top choice. UC’s yield manage but since they do not consider an applicant’s level of interest and have no Ed/EA options, yield protect does not make sense.


@Gumbymom Based on last year’s stats, do you know what percentage of the acceptance group were sent out the end of February? Do you think it was the majority?


A small percentage were admitted last year. Most decisions will be out in March.

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