UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

D22 accepted for cognitive science.

UC GPA: 3.8, weighted capped 4.07, uncapped 4.36
5 AP/honors + 6 DE
Good ECs and essays

For all waitlisted, don’t loose hope! Many years ago, I was accepted to my top choice for professional studies 2 days after classes started when a spot became available. Anything is possible!


D22 accepted Games and Playable Media
UC GPA: 3.89 uncapped 4.1
5AP (max at HS)+ 10 DE
Strong EC’s despite lack of opportunities, good unique essays
in-state (rural)

UCSC was her only choice and has been for two years


It seems clear from see results here and for UCD that there is some kind of yield management going on … not sure if the UCs care about acceptance rate % and their implications on the US News rankings or just that they don’t want to “waste” an acceptance on someone with stats indicating its highly unlikely they will enroll at that school.


Many of my D’s friends with much higher stats got rejected/waitlisted at UCSC

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Perhaps – but I’ve also heard from College Admissions experts that the UCs don’t even really have the bandwidth to yield protect in the way we can tell some privates do. And it certainly doesn’t explain everything. This same child who was admitted to Stanford REA and was waitlisted at UCSC was admitted to Davis last week.


Aight so I got accepted for Computer Science at UCSC (lets go) but I have a slight problem. Last year I barely passed Regular Math Analysis but in a spark of inspiration decided to challenge myself and take AP Calc AB.


Anyways, I got a C last semester and currently have a D. I have already completed all math credits I needed before taking it and it’s way out of my expected league. If I do end up getting a D as my final grade do I have a high chance of getting rescinded even with this explanation?

Yes, that D can be an issue and I would find a way to get it to a C to avoid any issues. The broader question for you - is CS the right fit for you? It’s pretty math heavy, especially at any decent school and UCSC is a very good CS school.


they call me a masochist <3 I really love software development and this is pretty much “the path of least resistance” to doing that for a living if I could avoid the math I would

Good luck. You should definitely fix that D then.


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working on it. if I get a C we’re good with flying colors.

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yes getting a C is oK as long as overall GPA does not fall by more than a point (which I dont think it will)
For eg 3.9 should not go down to less than 2.9

I got a 4.0 UC Weighted with 2 C’s in AP Classes last semester so I’ll 100% be good. Even with a D in Calc I will still have a 3.8 so it’s not the GPA I’m worried about. It’s the one class that could ruin my college career because I decided to challenge myself.

they have a 2.8 GPA requirements for 5 classes to declare CS , and 2 of them are calculus


I think as long as you have a 3.0 overall GPA you don’t even need to report senior year grades. However, if you get a “D”, I believe you have to report regardless of overall GPA. That said, this is my 3rd kid applying to college, and I have never heard of anyone actually getting rescinded so I wouldn’t be too stressed but obviously pulling the “C” off would be way better. Perhaps you should be talking to the teacher if you aren’t already. Hopefully they won’t give anyone a “D” 2nd semester senior year if they are trying. My D is laboring in AP CS and talked to her teacher and the teacher told her not to worry about her current grade that she wasn’t going to “hurt” anyone for college if she thinks they are putting the effort in. It seems like many seniors who used to be straight A students are struggling a lot this year, I suspect due in part to the fact that last year was not as rigorous as most junior years due to Covid (remote learning).

Are you saying I had to have taken 2 Calc classes in high school or I need to take 2 calc classes in college? If it’s the latter that’s ok with me. For the former, I declared what my classes are for this year and they still let me in so I should be good when it comes to high school requirements.

it’s the latter. Perhaps, you can defend yourself that D in HS AP = C in reality

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You are required to report any grades below a C to the UC’s so just do your best and work hard for that C. UC’s do rescind but have been more lenient due to the recent Covid issues.

Yes @Gumbymom indicated that they have profiles that indicate which kid is more likely to accept. So it certainly seems like some yield management going on.

How would they know that? My DD was waitlisted but since applying decided she wasn’t interested in going there. Being waitlisted didn’t bother her but it’s kind of creepy to think they know it isn’t her first choice. She really wants to go to UCSB or UCLA so she will heartbroken if not accepted to one of them. But I’m thinking chances are really slim if she didn’t get into UCSC :cry:

Have any admitted students been able to register for an in-person tour? It looks like Banana Slug Day (I assume for admitted students) is virtual on April 16, but we’d really like to tour in-person.

Their website says “Admitted students for fall 2022 have received a link to sign up for available tours via their UC Santa Cruz email addresses.” My daughter says she hasn’t received anything about tours. Of course, she’s known to miss emails. :frowning: TIA!

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