UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I would check the GPA again … I would assume that weighted is either the same or higher than the UW gpa (:

Congrats to your child for their accomplishments! I’m a hs senior and it’s good to know that I’m not the only one that just applied to CSU + UC system. Good luck (if they’re still waiting on more decisions!!)


D rejected-Psychology. 4.0 UW, 4.35 W
Good EC, good essays
Accepted to CSU Long Beach, Cal Poly SLO
Somewhat confused


Sorry for my ignorance but how do you calculate that from the link you provided? I see the graph with GPAs.

Wondering as D waitlisted for undeclared. 4.2 weighted UC GPA.

Just pick the major and year of interest from the filters. Then first select Applicants for funnel status. Go hover over the column chart and pick the # corresponding to the 4.2 GPA bucket. Now, repeat the process with Admits for funnel status. Divide Admits by Applicants to get the admit rate.

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DS22 in-state got accepted for Applied Math. UW-4.5/12 APs/SAT-1580. Few ECs, but not a lot though.


Son was accepted to Robotics Engineering. ~3.8 UW, 4.15 UC GPA. He has robotics background and other ECs. He is a solid writer, so I think the PIQs were helpful for him too.


Thanks! I wasn’t seeing the applicants vs admits option. Very high rate in her GPA. Sigh.

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Son waitlisted today. 4.1 weighted GPA, 4 AP classes, lots of EC. Ugh. Rejected @ Davis.

My daughter also was waitlisted and I have accepted it. Unless he has an acceptance in his college of desire, you should accept the waitlist due to the fact that they have several withdrawls.

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Waitlisted for Math
In State
UW: 4.0
UC: 4.47
7 APs
Top 2% of large class, 4yr sport, job, ECs.
Sad and confused. Did not apply to UCs which have already released decisions, so she is anxious about the rest.
Accepted at Cal Poly SLO.


Congrats! My D22 was accepted, too!


All the UC’s work independently so a waitlist at one means nothing for the other UC’s. With SLO as an option, she is in great shape. Best of luck to her.


Yay happy for your D! My D was waitlisted here but has Davis & Cal Poly. Now we hope for UCSD which is her #1🤞🏻This wait is excruciating, even though this is my second go around Lol


Thank you!! Yes we(as a family) think SLO is a magically place - D18 really wanted to go but was CS so knew it was unlikely - which it was. Hoping admitted students days will help her feel connected. She is a bit of a quirky kid which made Santa Cruz a good fit from her perspective. But she knows she is very very fortunate to have great choices!


Daughter accepted yesterday for Feminist Studies
4.2W, 7 APs from Bay Area… one of the top public high schools
Waiting for other UCs and also hasn’t heard from SDSU or Cal Poly SLO (big brother is there), but did get into UNC…


@DStepler Yes, excruciating! We have Davis & UCSC, but no word from Cal Poly which is bad news, I think. Just waiting for UCSB. Sounds like we all have good choices.

@Mama_in_CA I’m sorry you’re sad. We are sad about SLO. Wish we could trade you.


I’ve been lurking in these forums lately, remembering what it all felt like a year ago when our first was applying (he’s now a freshman at UCLA) and gearing up to do it all again next year with our second, and I just wanted to say that I sympathize with so many of you who are stressed out and perplexed about these UC decisions as they roll out. It’s super frustrating to feel like there’s no discernible rhyme or reason as to who is getting in, who is getting waitlisted, and who is getting rejected outright. But as @Gumbymom keeps mentioning, the decision at one UC really isn’t necessarily predictive of the decision at others. Plus there is definitely likely to be some movement on the waitlist from UCSC. There was last year even when there was little movement on other UC waitlists. Anecdotes are just that – anecdotal – but for what it’s worth, so many of our son’s friends were initially waitlisted at UCSC last year and every single one of them eventually got in. And how’s this for an anecdote – I have a friend whose son is a senior in HS this year. He was admitted REA to Stanford in December. Decision from UCSC yesterday? Waitlisted. Hang in there, everybody!


Good luck to you!!! Lots of great options in our state!!!


He was probably waitlisted because Santa Cruz knew he wouldn’t attend and they were right. I’m fascinated at the incredible algorithms that these schools must have - definite job security for all these future CS majors! :wink: