UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

The email is probably just because they are still on the mailing list and that email is pushed out to everyone.

The only chance of getting in to UCSC now is if they were offered (and accepted) a spot on the waitlist and receiving generic emails from UCSC is not an indicator of their chances I’m afraid.

I’d concentrate on your student’s acceptances and start celebrating those! Good luck :blush:

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Thank you… I have no illusions that he’s on a waitlist or anything like that. I’m a little disturbed that he is still included in emails when he was rejected. Usually (based on my experience two years ago with my daughter) schools are really great about discontinuing messages once decisions are made or after students send in their commitments- it’s like the faucet gets turned off. I just wanted to know if anybody else had a similar experience -thanks

I’m not sure what the email said, but it had slugs in the title and was sent from a UCSC email address… Will update when I know more later today :relaxed:

Thank you for that info. I looked today for the first time and was disappointed to see the slots all grey.

My apologies for any excitement… It was actually a forwarded email from a faculty member, so nothing waitlist-related.


Got an email about the Dean’s scholarship today. Helped alleviate the pain of the berkeley rejection


Me too! 30k dean scholarship


That’s us too! :sweat_smile:

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DS was awarded too and congrats to all the recipients!

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Attended UCSC admitted student tour today – tour guide said that for this year, CE is also an “impacted” major, alongside CS.

This means that transfers into CE are now banned. This was the case for the first time for CS last year, and it seems like they added CE this year to the list. You can only declare CE or CS if you were originally admitted for those majors.

Lots of demand for UCSC engineering it seems.


We are doing the same tour next week. Can you give a brief summary of what’s included in the tour?

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Sure! the tour met in Quarry Plaza, and then proceeded to Cowell College, where the guides did a short overview of housing and the residential college system.

We then checked out the dining hall, went through the humanities buildings, up science hill, and then did a loop of the other buildings. At various points the guides would stop and talk about specific aspects of UCSC, like student life, transportation, safety, classes etc.

The tour ended back near Quarry Plaza, and took about 90 minutes. Was pretty engaging!


Excellent, thank you! This is really helpful.


Thanks so much for sharing the info! We couldn’t get into a tour until end of the month but will try to do a self tour sooner.

Did they discuss at all how difficult it is to change majors generally? My daughter was admitted for CS but is interested in other areas too and she is concerned it will be hard to try out and change majors at the UC’s.

Also, did they discuss how hard it is to get housing? I saw on their website first-years get priority, but not guaranteed.


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I’ve “heard” (for what it’s worth) it’s not very hard to change majors. My daughter is following an IG page for UCSC 2026 admitted students, and a lot of them there are already mentioning changing. Also, as of now, our students are entering under “proposed” majors, right? If you click on the word “proposed” in their acceptance email, it explains how they can change that major in the portal. I’d imagine giving up a CS (highly coveted) spot would be easier than the reverse? (I went to UCSB back in the 90s and changed my major, and there was paperwork, but it wasn’t hard.) I also joined a FB group for UCSC parents that you might consider as another resource. I’m figuring all of this out in real time, so I apologize if anything here is not accurate…


Is your student going to be a CE major in the fall?

Re: housing for applicants picked off the waitlist


Congratulations! Is that $30k/4 years? Or?

So how do they give out housing if it isn’t first come, first served? Since they don’t guarantee housing, this is confusing.