UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion



My son received an email. Astrophysics major. 4.5 weighted. SIR’d to Berkeley. Would prefer Santa Cruz for the more low key vibe and research opportunities. Accepted off the UCSD waitlist in the last round (their email did not have “Congratulations” in the title either). Fingers crossed. Happy to have closure either way!


If you dont mind me asking what major did your son apply under?

It appears to be a glitch and I really have no idea what it means. All anyone can do is check their portals after 11 am tomorrow to find out as noted by admissions.


Art History :slight_smile:

That is so good to hear :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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seems like theres a good mix of majors in the bunch then who got the email!! Hoping for the best here

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4.3 weighted also CS. Ack, so stressful…

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Daughter also received the email for Biology or Environmental Science, 4.1 weighted.

So…for those who received the email, if accepted, will you please keep us posted to what the new SIR date and any housing information? I’d really appreciate it! :pray:

Either way, looks like some of us are destined to rot on the WL longer


will update the forum with any info tomorrow!

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My son did not get an email. Business major. In state. Will check in tomorrow. Wishing everyone good luck!


What does the email look like?


Got one cs 4.21 capped 4 aps honors some ec merit scholarship ready to move on and hear sad :cry:
Email says check portal but nothing in portal

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Admissions Update

Please check the MyUCSC portal to view your UCSC admissions decision.

After logging in, click on the “Application and Status Info” tile. The links in the portal contain information for both admitted students and students who were not offered admission.

Should you have any questions that are not addressed in the portal, please contact our office at admissions@ucsc.edu.


Undergraduate Admissions
UC Santa Cruz


“The links in the portal contain information for both admitted students and students who were not offered admission.“

So……if you didn’t get the email, you’re just in limbo??? UGH!!

My daughter did not get an email

3.8 undeclared, in-state

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daughter didn’t get any email. psych major

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Got rejected recieved the email sob

Just check the portal results are out