@yoamogatos all I know is what she told me and another on the interview committee verified. Not one without financial need/hardship in four years. I’m talking alumni. Did your son actually get the alumni scholarship or was he simply asked to interview?
I read essays for UCB alumni twice (not the interviews, just the essays) and everyone I read was hardship-related, etc.
There have also been a lot of reviews on CC about Regents (one from someone who worked in the office, the other two recipients who wrote back about awardees at the regents cocktail reception). Person from office said skewed toward hardship, the others said it appeared that way. I believe these referred to UCB and/or UCLA.
My big issue was like a good little soldier I saved year after year a little bit for college fund. So now, that’s it. I get no break. Had I not saved, I would have come out better financially. Live and learn.
Anyhow, it would be nice if there could be a financial benefit awarded all students, even if a slightly lower tuition amounts to $2000 a year savings. A nice gesture to all residents.
@lindyk8 my son did not qualify for any financial aide and certainly didn’t include any “hardships” in his UC essays. He was awarded Regents scholarship at UCLA, UC Davis, UCSB and Regents and Chancellor Scholarship at Berkeley. This was in 2014.
You know, I really am glad to hear this @sunflowermom et al. My friend told me that last week when we had coffee. We got on the topic when I told her I signed up again to read alumni scholarships. I left really depressed. I still have another daughter to go through the system, and I wasn’t feeling the love. Glad to know there’s a window of opportunity. Seriously! I feel a lot better. Thx!
I will say my older D got a regents to Merced without even interviewing, but I just assumed it was a strategic maneuver to get her to go there and wasn’t reflective of other UCs.