****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

My daughter has not heard anything.

Hello, I was accepted off the waitlist on 8th May as an international student.
I have already submitted the statement of legal residence form, and how long I have to wait before I can find the NIF task in my calcenter?

I was accepted off the waitlist last week. After accepting the offer will I be getting official envelope by mail??

@VickiSoCal the Bowles invitations are coming out. I hope your daughter gets one! Sticker shock is hitting me but I think it looks like an amazing experience to have a small cohort at such a large school.

My daughter just received hers! We are so excited for her to have this opportunity:)

Mine was waitlisted. Kind of funny to be waitlisted for a dorm. She thinks she came across as too introverted.

@VickiSoCal itā€™s a good year to be on waitlists for so many reasons. Iā€™m pulling for your daughter to get a spot!

Hey, is it a bad idea to go to berkeley if I want to go to law school in the future, and specifically a t10 law school? Iā€™m extremely worried that the grade deflation at cal will kill my chances

If you want to be a political science major, you have to be a good writer. They write like 30 page papers sometimes.
I donā€™t really know what else law school people major in.
The one pre-law person I knew was a transfer student majoring in media studies. He did stuff at the pro bono law center on campus during undergrad.
We have a law school at least, so thereā€™s law professors to try to do research with, thereā€™s graduate classes that you might be able to take, thereā€™s Berkeley as a whole which is all about pro bono and law to benefit society.
We have a legal studies major. Not sure what they do really.
This one girl I know is an advocate for students that have been referenced to the student disciplinary committee.
I know basically nothing about the law people of Berkeley. Iā€™ll maybe check with a few people and get back to you.

@Walter924 Thank you so much!! That helps a lot

I think it is a good idea to go to Berkeley undergrad for pre law because it will give u lots of chances to get involve in extracurriculars that T14 law schools find appealing

Sorry if someone already ask this question but what is a known easiest major at Berkeley? Iā€™m trying to go to an Ivy League graduate business school after 4 years at Berkeley and I need to get a high gpa. I know the harder majors are definitely STEM. But is there any other hard majors outside of STEM? Also, if I get into Haas my junior year, is Haas difficult to get good grades in?

Hey guys I got off the waitlist and have a few questions. First is that I got placed into a second semester/half year course called computer application(it really is a pointless class) that i didnā€™t report in my application. I donā€™t think itā€™s part of the A-G courses and is only half a year, so do I need to update that to UCB. My second is that so I self-reported all my AP scores that I got when I applied, but after i reported I went ahead and requested Collegeboard to delete some of my lower scorers like 3s because I am retaking some of them this year. So those scores are no longer on my official collegeboard account, but I did save a score report before I deleted them that I sent it to my counsellor. My schoolā€™s narviance also has a record of these scores. So would it be ok if i explain the situation and show them my saved report to prove that I have gotten these scores and are just retaking them?

Also that computer class grade is just pass and fail now because of school shutting down and covid

Anyone know what the deadline is to find a roommate

@phatdoggo Everyone outside of Haas thinks Haas is super easy to get good grades in. The Bio/Business dude I know said the Business classes were kicking his butt more than his bio classes.
Once again, choosing a major is about doing what youā€™re good at. The classes I had to pass/fail or get a C in were theater classes and peace studies. I read the whole textbook, but I suck at writing. So Iā€™m majoring in things without writing or too much physics, but a lot of memorization, applying concepts, and data analysis.
Some people are writing people, some are physics people, some media studies. Choose your favorite. If you try to do an easy major that isnā€™t your thing, youā€™ll fail.

Someone was saying that thereā€™s a way to update Berkeley on Calcentral. It was like 1-3 pages back on either this thread or the waitlist thread. Will those 3s get you credit? If you can, wait until July when scores come out to figure out if you need to explain things. If itā€™s not US history or AP English, youā€™ll be fine. If you deleted those 2 scores and it would have gotten you out of required classes, thatā€™s worth making an effort.
APs give you credit to graduate early. More APs wonā€™t let you choose classes early, but itā€™ll get you out of some prerequisites for your major (specifically calculus for most majors).
Also of note. I canā€™t find my old SAT score pieces which I need for graduate applications for some reason, but Iā€™m guessing College Board secretly has a record of it. Try sending AP scores to Berkeley (if thatā€™s a thing you can do). If it shows up in Naviance, College Board might have a record and be able to send it even if you canā€™t see it. Or they might be on Naviance because you sent scores to your high school before you deleted them. Or, once again, just wait for your new scores to come out. Berkeley probably wonā€™t ask about your scores before July and I donā€™t think they post-humously compare your scores to your application or will follow up if theyā€™re different. If they do follow up, explain then.

Does anyone else just start working on something and then they suddenly have 50 tabs open? Iā€™ve gotta close some tabs. Iā€™m really excited for this Health Econ class that starts Monday. But I also have to find someone to read my stupid application essays. My sister made me get Grammarly today. Apparently specifical is an adverb that I was supposed to use instead of specifically. Huh.

@Walter924 thank you so much for your reply. The exams i deleted are macroeconomics, bio, stats and psychology. I retook all of them outside of stats which was a 3. And I honestly believe I am gonna get better scores on my retakes. I already sent the update to UCB explaining the situation along with a saved score report with all my scores before those scores got deleted. I also just told them that I donā€™t really care about the credit and I am just assuring them that I reported everything accurately. Do you think that suffices? I wonā€™t be rescinded right?

Yeah, you wonā€™t be rescinded. Youā€™ll be fine. Theyā€™re too afraid of getting sued to rescind most people. If you graduate high school, youā€™re fine.
Macro is useless without micro, and then only useful for Econ majors.
Stats is pretty useless because Berkeley has a stat mixed with calc class that not very many transferred classes cover.
Bio is good for bio majors if youā€™re trying to graduate early and not going to medical schools.
Psychology. IDK.
5.3 credits for most courses. More than an actual class. In summer class terms, thatā€™s around 2000$ per AP class (if you graduate early and take advantage of it).

@Walter924 thank you so much. I am feeling alot better now. Btw I made a mistake on my housing form when I submitted it. Is it possible for me to make changes to it after its submitted?

IDK. You know as much as I do about that. Email the people. If itā€™s just housing preferences, donā€™t worry about it. If itā€™s about cleanliness or your name or email and phone number, worth following up.
I once knew a transfer student who got into UCLA but couldnā€™t go because one of his 2 last names was put as a middle name somehow on his FAFSA and he couldnā€™t get financial aid because his identity didnā€™t match and he had to go to community college.
I thought you tried to apply too late for housing. Did you get that sorted?