*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

does anyone know when appeal decisions might come out?

faq says decisions will be made june 1st

Yall say that the yield must be high, but it is not that high, so I guess there will be one last big wave coming because no one from the college of chemistry got in yet!!!
IDK how to upload a screenshot; however, u can find it on their website

how do u know about this could u attach the link pls?thx 4 the info

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Bro, do you have info like this about this for chemical engineering majors? Thanks, and can you send link?

nah i was just trying to confirm it for the person who asked the question earlier. I believe everyone’s portal says that when they click on the opt in form on the decision letter

UCLA dropped a wave today. Let’s be positive :clap:

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Was this UCLA’s first wave? I visited their board and it seemed like it was IS only.

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It was the second wave but both were IS only.

Yeah their not releasing today
probaly tomorrow

I think they did have waves before. I know an international student who got in for law a few days ago but idt there’s been much activity for engineering

they did last week

The change maker and fpf programme right?


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Whats ur current backup for college

my current back up is Wisconsin Madison CS

mine is Santa Cruz

does anybody have any glitches?

UT Austin (in-state).

u got austin already??? Why not just go with it?

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