*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

USC for cs


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Warwick for me

RPI on CS for me

One twin will attend UCB, the other is WL. The elder bro will also be at UCB starting this Fall for MS. So it would be nice for the other twin to get UCB. GL everyone!

Umich cs gang

Yoooo you guys all have good backup colleges. What u guys worrying about, really!!! :))))))


We are all super qualified candidates for Berkeley, I think
even better for Berkeley.


any updates for anyone?


looks like they wont use the waitlist :confused:

they only release between 3-5 pm

so if anything they will come out today between those time

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no updates, still hoping it comes out later today tho

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Guys chill. You guys realize our year we had COVID, and 30% increase in applicants, no more SAT/ACT. Obviously it’s going to take the them some time. Chill out. Just because more kids applied doesn’t mean that the seats are full, they are gonna admit the same amount of kids they do every year, and their going to waitlist the same amount of kids they do every year. They always accept over a thousand students off the waitlist. Stop freaking out, last week was the fpf and changemaker program student. Look at the admission officers perspective, they are probaly so frustrated on making decision because of all the changes this year, which is why their taking so long. Chill, they still have till June 1st.


Also UC Berkeley always releases decisions last. Look at the date they released regular admission, they were last from the whole UC system.


I agree with that^^^we’ll be fine


Looks like our dream school wants us to wait an another week. :innocent:

anyone hear back??? doesn’t seem like it lol

Heard nothing :frowning:

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