*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

hey were in the same department, Rausser College of Natural Resources

Of course, no problem!

According to the AO at UCSD I was speaking with they said that COVID-19 has led to a lot of new factors that colleges have to take into consideration (I would assume stuff with housing and how many students are allowed on campus at a time, just those sort of things). She didnā€™t really go into specifics but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s led to a strain on the admittance of OOS and especially International students b/c they might not even be able to get a Visa (not too sure about this).


Here LA county has laid out specific guidelines that colleges within their county have to abide by. Perhaps other colleges are waiting for these guidelines as well and thereā€™s most likely going to be tons of new updates and changes over the summer as more people get vaccinated.
(shoutout @Gumbymom)

To your next question yeah unfortunately at least for UCSD even though the promised date was by June 1st the AO said that theyā€™re not using the waitlist this month and will use it over the span of June and we possibly wonā€™t hear back till July 1st. This might not apply to UCB but considering how long other UCs & UCB are taking to release WL decisions Iā€™m sure that theyā€™ve mostly been extended into the summer.

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Thank you so much for the information!

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Then why would they release decision last week. What your saying doesnā€™t really match up with what their doing, unless ur just making things up, because your nervous like everybody else. Covid was a big issue for them last year, now with the vaccine they shouldnā€™t have any problems. Iā€™m a local students, almost 80 percent of the bay area has already got at least the first vaccinations. So stop making up some random news trying to stress people.

Also the deadline for last week admits was the 17th, their currently looking at applications.

Can someone pls share the discord link??? PLeaseeee

Of course, no problem :relaxed:

Hello! Sounds like youā€™re very angry, try taking a walk? Some deep breaths? The information I relayed was given to me by a UCSD AO. By no means am I trying to stress people out, just simply hypothesizing with such little information we get. Perhaps UCBā€™s yield so far has been so low that they needed to use their WL ASAP, and I believe itā€™s been mostly in-state residents which somewhat proves my point.

Just because someone has been vaccinated does not mean that they canā€™t pass it onto someone else. Iā€™m not sure if colleges will also make it mandatory for all students to get vaccinated but Iā€™m sure there will be a group of people who wouldnā€™t want to and could potentially further the spread (also take into account OOS and international). Thereā€™s also dorms, lecture halls, and other sorts of things that COVID-19 is hindering due to safety precautions.

This college admissions process has been weird on both the students and colleges sides and it isnā€™t unusual to have WL decisions stretch into the summer from previous years. Instead of obsessively checking CC everyday to see if anyone else has got in why not take in this information and let go of it. Maybe they will release it soon, maybe they wonā€™t, who knows. For now, just enjoy your summer and have some fun before we all start the newest chapter of our lives!



any sign of updateļ¼Ÿ

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Someone on Reddit called the AO, they just said we would hear back before June 1st

got it thx for sharing that

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If thatā€™s true, it has to be this week

this blows

does anyone know when appeal results come out?

supposedly by june 1st

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Someone on discord called the AO, and they said it will not release until after June 1st

^ due to COVID and we probably have to wait another month

can someone give me the discord link?

someone above you said the opposite