*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

feels like they are playing around us.

can someone give me the discord link?

can u send me the discord link again please

Discord link:

It has to come out tuesday, right? or at this point who knows?

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Wait I said yes to FPF when I fill in the WL form, and u guys said that last wave was for FPF. Does that mean Im rejected or I still have a chance in the pool of my original major?

no last wave from information above is for changemaker mainly, and a few fpf. So pls hang in and be optimistic

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OK thanks for that

Fill out this poll for the glitch came out today please.

what is the glitch???

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Faq disappears which means ur accepted

anyone wanna read my appeal and give opinions lol

person from discord just got in

Has only one person gotten in so far?

Has any intl gotten in at all?

did everyone get a decision this round? or was it just some acceptances and no rejections?

The person from discord who got in, were they a waitlist or appeal applicant?

waitlist for changemakers

did anyone else hear anything?

Applicants in this forum are highly motivated and by self-selection are probably better than the overall WL pool. So, in a normal year, at least 1/3 of folks here would get off the WL. But I don’t think we have seen anything close to that number. Does it mean that Berkeley had a high yield from the regular admission round more like Ga Tech? Or is it that they are waiting for guidance from state/county regarding COVID-related restrictions before making a move? This waiting game is just crazy!