*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

The date is extended to 22nd , right?

yes for the WL form

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Is the fpf program really that bad?

Itā€™s pretty bad since the course selection is very limited. In my case I have finished most intro courses like calculus bc during high school, but it doesnā€™t offer any more advanced courses. So basically I need to pay more money to waste a semester.

But would it increase chance of admission?

Honestly thereā€™s not much you can do on your part. It depends more on the available spots of your intended major. Just stay chill and wait.

Of your intended major? I thought everyone get admitted as undeclared right? Sorry if I had the wrong thought.

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Yes ur admitted as undeclared, but the area of study do matter in terms of waitlist admission. You would have a higher chance to get off the wl if everyone who applied the same major as you choose not to enroll.

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Are you sure about that piece of information(regarding L&S)? If that were the case, why not just put down a low-impacted major on your original application? As an undeclared freshman, you can take any classes you want, and figure out your major at Cal at anytime in your first 2 years, regardless what you put down on your application.

Thatā€™s what the AO recommend to do. However, you cannot put down art history if ur studying cs(since the ECā€™s wont match and they can tell). If you cs, putting down as physics or math would increase you chance.

Ah, OK. Thanks

This is kinda a dumb question lol but if a student from ur school got accepted into Berkeley but isnā€™t going, would that increase ur chances of getting off the waitlist?

I posted this earlier in this thread. I reached out to the FPF program, and received a call back. I was told by a woman who works in the department that selecting FPF does not increase your chances of coming of the waitlist.

Not really, since UCB like all schools accept more students than they can enroll. They expect a certain number of admitted students to decline their acceptance.

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Gumbymom, Sorry if this is a repeat question, but I wanted your thoughts on why UCB extended the Waitlist opt-in deadline a week from 4/15 to 4/21?

Also, my daughter submitted the opt-in essay and confirmation before 4/15, and didnā€™t receive the email mentioned here that some received regarding the deadline extension. Do you think that was because they only sent it to those who didnā€™t opt-in, rather than email everyone who was waitlisted?

I cannot tell you why they extended the deadline, but perhaps not as many students opted in close to the deadline and decided to extend it to allow the applicants more time.

Since your D submitted her opt in essay, she was not tagged to receive the email.

It has been a tough year for college admissions and I think that many students are holding off making decisions one way or another since there is still some amount of uncertainty regarding in-person classes and housing.

Thank you. I have also thought that the way the Wait List letter was written, when you first start reading it, it sounds like a Denial letter, so there may have been a lot of people who just logged off and didnā€™t read all the way through to understand it is was a Wait List offer.

the same wording has been used for years

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I submitted mine the day before and didnā€™t get the extension email either so ur daughter is fine lol :handshake: