*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Even with the waitlist opt-in form extension, do you guys think they should begin releasing waitlist decisions around May 7th?

I think they will, cuz they need to give 1 week in between the waves.

If Berkeley chooses to reject you after opting in the waitlist, will they still update your portal or send an email? Or do they only update if you’re admitted?

I think they’ll send the rejection letter on May 31 if you are not admitted.

How do we find the course codes for AP (college coursework) classes? Thanks!

I didn’t put course codes for AP classes, I thought that was just for dual enrollment but idk

yeah i think its just for actual college classes

I called the admissions and they said since so many people are applying for FPF, not joining FPF would have no negative effect on the application, if not positive, so what’s even the point of doing it?

isn’t FPF and the change-maker program the only options for waitlist applicants. there is no point just limited options. And FPF enrolls more students than change-maker which explains why many are applying.

theyre talking about opting in on the form ( i think)

You can pay more tuition in exchange of a limited course selection lol.

No you can also choose not to opt in any of the two programs(and some people don’t even have changemaker). Some students from my HS were accepted from WL into the traditional program last year when they didn’t choose any of the two(which I see as a more reasonable option).

maybe, but some people who didnt select anything also only got the pathway options, i think theyre independent.

I didn’t know it was possible to enroll into the regular fall program as a waitlist applicant. I selected both options on the waitlist cause I want to attend Berkeley so bad lmao. Why is change-maker only on some forms?

yeah its not something we choose, seems to be a very rare thing for L&S

Why is change-maker only on some forms?

my guess is that its because it only has 150 spots (for lns)
or maybe theres some screening process who knows

Where does it say that the waitlist deadline has been extended? I can’t find anything about that anywhere.

people who havent submitted it yet got an email recently. otherwise its also on their twitter

what are the thoughts on the chances of getting off the waitlist this year?

I’m predicting the acceptance rate will be between 2019 and 2020 because I don’t see as many Berkeley waitlists this year

does anyone know how many people were put on the waitlist this year