*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

how about ucla

Sameā€¦my school only has 3 Cal WL and I am in-state.

Iā€™m an oos from India and Iā€™m the only person from my school (in india)

which city?

how many people would you guess got waitlisted at ucla

from ur school

I really canā€™t make heads or tails of what you are trying to say.

The yield rate colleges care about is the number offered / the number who accept during the regular decision cycle. It is questionable if that is even a relevant factor for public universities.

If a university calculates that they will need X number of students to accept from their waitlist to fill out a class, they will only increase the time to apply for the waitlist if their models suggest to them that they donā€™t have enough prospective students on the waitlist to reach X.

That is it.

If they have more than enough to constitute X, there is no rate or metric to strategically satisfy by increasing the time to apply for the waitlist.

yes u just explained what i meant by ā€œyield off the wlā€

If thats the case then shouldnt they be admitting almost every person on the waitlist?

Firstly, itā€™s due to the limitation of available spots.

Secondly, the yield rate is the percentage of students who choose to enroll after having been accepted. This suggests they want to ensure whoever is accepted will attend, but accepting more people does not mean more people will enroll. Moreover, as they offer more people admission, the denominator of the ratio will increase, which will essentially lower the yield rate.

Almost every person? No.

its 100% limitation because why tf would they extend it. if they reached the number needed to opt-in, they would have just went with it.

so is that a good thing for waitlisted students?

does any1 else have a student ID when they log onto Cal Central

no omg

are u able to log onto cal central? I used to not be able to but now I can and see a student ID

How did u log in? Was it the login with MAP@Berkeley option

nah i used to be an employee (affiliate) at Berkeley and only had a UID and cal net ID. When i tried when the initial decision was out it said I was an ā€œunrecognizedā€ login

Mine says unrecognized when I log in thru MAP, anyone else have a student ID??

rip possible indicator