*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Hm do you know anyone who dont get redirected?

i think everyone who clicks under “New to Cal Central” gets directed to MAP.

whats the faq glitches


there was a glitch on the portal for those who got off the wl last year. basically, their faq link changed from waitlisted faq to admitted students faq. it was later noticed that all those who got off recieved the glitch before their decision came out

Yea but only a few hours before the decision was released

nah the first signs of the glitch came a few days earlier

yes this is correct. There was much discussion all month long about glitches that happened along the way. None of them coincided with an offer EXCEPT the one regarding the FAQ letter which switched from WL to Admitted information. And this didn’t happen until the day of wave one, at around noon or 1 pm ish. Within a few hours, the official notification came in.

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does any one have the dates wl’s were released last year? i really need to tell my roommate if i’m coming or not. do they usually come out during the first week of may?

Waitlist notification dates change from year to year and last year was an exception. I would look at next week after May 1 before the waitlist is utilized which is my guess.

Last year was Friday, May 8th. And it happened somewhere in the early afternoon. But like @Gumbymom said, last year was an exception. I think we were all expecting to hear a week earlier. Nothing seemed to go as expected, to be frank.

Most of you must have seen this page with useful numbers.

Numbers from last year (Fall 2020)
In-state applicants: 50,282
Admitted: 10,143
Enrolled: 4530 (yield: 45%)

OOS applicants: 20,673
Admitted: 3780
Enrolled: 867 (yield: 23%)

International applicants: 17,105
Admitted: 1467
Enrolled: 720 (yield: 49%)

Total admits: 15,390 out of which 1651 were admitted off the WL. The yield was low compared to previous years.

wow i didnt expect oos enrollment to be so low. Also this year they admitted around 13000 (their estimate), so either they predicted higher yield or are playing it safe

Yes, I too was surprised at that number. In 2019, the OOS yield was 29%, which is about the average for years 2014-2019. For this year, the 13k figure naturally doesn’t include the admits that will come off the WL. So the crucial question is whether Cal will still want to admit 15k+ this year, in which case it should take 2k+ from the WL. I wonder how many admits from last year took a deferred admission for COVID. It will reduce the number of places available this year.

They offered 2,000+ less this year? Interesting. This is the best explanation so far as to why they gave people more time to opt on to the waitlist.

i believe they admitted around 13k 2 years ago too

In 2018, they admitted 13,297, out of which 1536 came from the WL. That year the admission rate from the waitlist was 37.2%. Just being hopeful that this year we may see a similar acceptance rate off the WL. Or better!!


I agree. this year waitlist rate will be better or the same it seems! they might have extended due to low opt-in because they never extended the deadline before

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also guys may 1st onwards is rolling out soon. keep checking your portal if there is any changes because last year there was a glitch that came a few days earlier which was also an indicator.


which glitch are you referring to from last year?