*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

There are 2 FAQs at the top of the MAP@BERKELEY portal page. Its says “Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)”.

The first FAQ link directs to 404 NOT FOUND error page with nothing on it.
The second link is the old WL FAQ page.

This was a few days before the actual decision released (and all of these guys got the final glitch and ultimately got in)

Before the first wave was released, accepted students got a glitch on their portal that showed 2 FAQ glitches in their yellow box instead of 1. The glitch happened a few days before decisions were released for the first wave.

Yes, right. I remember something like that happening. That wasn’t as solid of an indicator as we thought it would have been. i.e. there wasn’t a direct correlation with that event, and people getting in during wave 1. For the WL, it was really the last FAQ event, where it switched to “FAQ for Admitted Students” or something, that was a valid indicator. That happened day-of Wave 1.

is it possible to access last year’s thread? It was massive and full of conspiracy (myself partially to blame). If you can find it, and have the patience to read through it, you can see what was a real indicator and what wasn’t. @Gumbymom is last year’s thread still around? I couldn’t find it.

its still up!

So when do we think the first WL wave will be? May 7th?

Most likely. But we don’t know for sure. Historically, the first batch is released on the first Friday of May.

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What’s the source for 13000 admits during rd round?


Thanks for sharing the doc. It says “for fall 2021, we received more than 112,000 freshman applications for approximately 13,000 admission spaces.” It is not clear if this 13k is the number of initial admits or initial admits + admits from the WL. We also don’t know how many students Cal admitted last year who got permission to defer their admission to this year, which can reduce the number of spaces available for Fall 2021.

apparently very few ultimately got permission to defer due to medical reasons

I was wondering about this. I just have a casual knowledge from reading things online. Is this verified anywhere? Has UC Berkeley acknowledged that they have never extended the deadline before?

i checked past 3 years and it didn’t happen so must be that people that less people opted in. also, ucla didn’t extend their deadline so it is kinda sus

but extending the deadline could only mean good things for waitlisted students right?

Most likely

of course. i am also betting that their might be more spots because of the changemaker program (i can’t recall but it is 200-300 spots). wont be a big increase, but it is something!! plus, they also accepted 13K this year so that means that their yield is probably not that great (could be the polar opposite as well, but i doubt since they extended the waitlist deadline). anyways, only time will tell and we just have to wait. i am just hoping that the waitlist deadline does not delay the decisions by a week as well otherwise we are in for a hell of a wait!

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Didnt they have the global edge program last year though.

yea they did. also changemakers is 150 from L&S

Just talked to the admissions office and they said the earliest we’d here back was mid may… I guess we expected that but kinda disappointed.

thats weird when I called a few days ago they said shortly after May 1st