*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

yea I wouldn’t expect much from EECS, compared to L&S. regardless, keep your hopes up!!

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i have been hearing that FPF is generally given to INTL and OOS applicants so i think if the first wave were to be instate, they would have less FPF offers in that spaces for direct entry would be available

ayy best pen

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Do you know what the number increase was? (For example, from 625 to 640, or something like that?)

i think it was 100 or something during the second wave i believe (not 100% sure)

Interesting article I found.

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i read that they dont really say anything about this year

Yea but its interesting to learn about the past year lol


Interesting-thanks! I was unaware of the OPA website. I agree, it looks like the 2021-2022 stats won’t be posted on the OPA site until much later.

I was hoping for inside info today on the acceptance numbers as of May 1, to anticipate whether there may be more or less spots for wait listers!


from @Gumbymom on UCLA CC convo
Originally I predicted the numbers would be somewhere between the 2019 waitlist admits and the 2020 waitlist admits for both schools but everything is so unpredictable. I am not surprised that neither school has started taking students off the waitlist since although the campuses are planning to be fully open to in-person classes, housing may be an issue for in-coming Freshman due to Covid, waiting for FDA vaccine approval and making mandatory vaccinations the norm for students wanting to dorm. The schools seem to be leaning on the cautious side until the get the go ahead from the State and do not want to be overenrolled.

Still no indicators???

i’d give it at least another 1.5 - 2 hours

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@scrambro when did the first indicator came of the glitch in Pacific Standard Time

So when there is an indicator, would it appear when I click the withdraw or faq section? I’m scared I’ll accidentally withdraw lol

try both and see if there are any changes

last year the earliest report of the glitch on the CC thread was 3:57 pm pst
it’s also weird because apparently 2 years ago the WL glitch only showed up on the day of decisions

Great article, thank you for sharing, but it really doesn’t answer the question in the title!

so we thinking in about 10 minutes something will come? i feel we will get clowned today lmao


10 min? prob an hour lol