*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

rlly i thought it was at 3 PM PST that it changed? or is it 4 lol

idk what the 3pm pst is based on, but im just going off last years first report of the glitch. entirely possible it could be 3 :man_shrugging:

damn CC gave the timestamp for last year??

you can check the timestamp of any message sent, just hover over the time on the top right

hmm yea ur right. first report was 6:57 EST and 3:57 PST

redacted (i confused admissions office hours with another college)

looks like they get off at 4 pst so maybe they just did it a bit early last year? i wouldnt be surprised if its not today

yea looking at ucla’s situation, i wouldn’t be surprised either

ucla was way diff this year. they had a super high yield according to the Ao so not apples to apples.

also considering that 2 years ago this glitch wasnt there as early as last year

Did the double FAQ glitch only happen last year or did it happen the year before that too?

it seems like it happened 2 years ago too, but people only noticed it on the day of decisions not days before

Here is something I posted last year, Monday May 4th 2020 4:03 PDT
"Yes I just saw the same thing. There are 2 FAQs at the top of the MAP@BERKELEY portal page. Its says ‘Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Questions? Click here for Decision Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’.

The first FAQ link directs to 404 NOT FOUND error page with nothing on it.
The second link is the old WL FAQ page.

oh wow lol i didnt realize that was you

i feel like there are a lot of EECS waitlisters this year :sob::flushed: how r we feeling CoE applicants?

re: 2020
There was the FAQ glitch on Monday May 4th at around 4pm. Then nothing until Friday May 8th at exactly 12:18 PM PDT
That’s when the admissions FAQ appeared, and everyone who got the Admissions FAQ on May 8th got in.

However there were examples of people who got the admissions FAQ glitch on Friday but did NOT get the double FAQ glitch on Monday.

yea we gotta be prepared that we might not get anything today and we might get the indicator on friday

might be the same for cal (doubt it tho cuz they extended the waitlist deadline)

can you guys check cal central as well in 20 minutes or so (there might be a change there)

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dejected ;(