*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

This may make sense. I turned in additional material and essay the night I received opt-in waitlist invitation. Got in yesterday.

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Yesterday @3:20. Thank you!!

I thought the waitlist was not ranked though?

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I thought it wasn’t too! i think they just looked at your original app and ur essay and put a group of changemaker people to be in the wave yesterday, I was one of them :))

Congratulations to you, then! :slight_smile: and I suppose that maybe the waitlist is not necessarily* ranked, but of those who were accepted yesterday, perhaps they simply plucked those who opted into the changemakers program, as compared to those who only opted into FPF and/or none of the programs (I chose none of the programs, though I would not mind at all if I were placed into either one of the two as an alternative).

no glitch 12

yeah no glitch for me

This may not be any indicator but for those who got in yesterday when did you opt-in to the waitlist form?

I did not see any glitch. FAQ was there when I received “you have a updated status”

My son got in yesterday. He submitted the waitlist application on april 11th and may be modified it once on april 13th.


Congrats! He was in state or OOS? Which major?

In state. Math major.

I heard about one international getting in (I think reddit). Has anyone heard of an out of state candidate being offered so far from the waitlist?

thank you! ya i think they’re taking in the people who chose the programs first then they’ll take in the rest. also, they might take someone who didn’t choose one of the programs but force them into one of the programs so it’s good that you don’t mind. best of luck to you :)))

im sure there will be a second wave with OOS and international students coming soon!

april 13th, and I edited it around the 22 because they added another confirmation for the changemaker.

I can’t stand the wait anymore :weary:

I don’t see the withdrawal button in my portal! Do you guys have it?


Oh I see it! Thanks