UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

sample size is pretty small as well but I’m off some copium

OOS intl and I can’t access the welcome reception.

I can’t access the welcome event registration, nor can I access this link. hopefully it’s a good sign?

Not really. Literally all people, without exception, could not able to access decision repeal form so

but it seems like for the welcome reception thing some people, including me, aren’t able to access the form.

So it could mean something.

I’m pretty sure it does. RIP. Someone said that maybe not all of the admissions are uploaded to their website but it doesn’t rly make sense

Maybe we can try it tomorrow to check if we still see the same page.

why not? aren’t portals usually updated the day before decision been made


i think that is a probably theory tho. it could just be a matter of uploading data

i agree with checking tmr

Well welcome to tomorrow

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If that’s the case then it means the reason why some people can access the form while some cannot is simply random, but that doesn’t make sense by any means.

Keep in mind that you are sampling from college confidential, the single most preppy college application community on earth. Ofc the percentage will be higher.


For NYU something similar happened where like four days before decisions some could access “Summer housing” vs “Academic Year Housing” which determined if they were in or out

Whether being able to register for the welcome reception also has nothing to do with status of applicant - OOS or intl or domestic.

I think this makes sense

Don’t worry. It is the appeal form. It SHOULD only be available for those who was denied and wants to, well, appeal to reverse their rejection. Following this logic, the appeal form is not indicative since everyone cannot access it rn.

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Yeah literally everyone wasn’t able to access the form so it’s definitely not indicative as of now. Maybe it could work closer to the decision date.

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If you can or can’t access the reception event, would anyone want to post some basic stats or other UC acceptances/rejections to see if there’s any correlation?

I can’t access it and was rejected from UCLA, waitlisted at SD, accepted to Irvine.

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