UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

can access, wl at ucla, ucd, uci, accepted to sd

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Maybe this sampling is biased? I guess generally the applicants who are more confident of the strength of their application tend to be online and discussing in these A2C forums (and hence voting).


oh it fs is and would make sense that 30% of ppl here can access it tho the acceptance rate is lower

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can’t access the welcome registration. accepted UCLA and UCD, waitlisted at UCSD

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We could register for the welcome reception and still received a rejection. So, I’m not sure it is definitely indicative. For some reason, we would still feel better if we could access the reservation form.

if this is true, then we might not know our decision yet!

I am able to register for the welcome reception, hopefully is a good sign :crossed_fingers:

In-state (SoCal), applied letters & science

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I can access the welcome reception

I’m OOS and applied Film & Media

So far accepted to UCLA, waiting on UCB and UCSB

Is anyone able to access the “Explore Housing Option” in the portal?




same here
“404 error”

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Cant access, 10+ 5s on AP tests. 3.95+GPA. ECs are strong. International, not seeking aid. Applied to College of Letters and Sciences. I would be surprised if I didn’t get in. Also, I didn’t receive any additional recommendation form (which is supposedly a positive sign)

Can’t access, you can pretty much check my profile on here. Domestic OOS with strong ECs- likely from washu and stats are 1/650, 3.9 on UC gpa, 8 5s and 1 4s. College of Letters and Sciences

Wondering if those who can access the Reception portal in their “Home State” can still access the portal in another state other than their own? E.g. A California resident accessing the “Reception Portal” in say Texas?


me 2

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Registering for the welcome event worked for me last night but now it says that “This resource is temporarily unavailable.” Is it still working for anyone else?

Scratch that. I tried it again and now it’s working.

Yes. CA in-state. Can access NY event.

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Great! Thanks for the reply. My DD can’t access any locale! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ahem…did anyone try this astrology for UCSB? I couldn’t find an equivalent page.

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BTW, I checked this morning and I received the same juicy tidbit that you did. Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

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