UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I thought being able to access the Welcome Reception page is enough

Lol I just submitted the form and it gave me a registration confirmation email. does this mean anything?

If you were able to access the “Welcome Reception” event, then it is speculated that you might be accepted.

im in state and i can access it.

if you dont mind, what are your stat?

can access, accepted to UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis

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you can check my history but 4.33 UC GPA (4.23 W, 3.98 UW). 7 APs including ones currently taking, 5s on AP Chinese, APUSH, AP Lang. National Merit Finalist, main ECs are speech & debate (event co-captain), social science research, Girls’ State, newspaper, red cross. applied for political science major. a couple of writing awards + Questbridge college prep scholar.


I don’t know if I’m accessing the wrong link, but it says “interest in Fall 2023”. Students here would be Fall 2022, no? And that choice is not available. Looks like it’s an interest presentation?

For what it’s worth, I was able to access the registration (and it filled in his info) for my son’s portal for UCI and he ended up being waitlisted. Getting the “unauthorized user” message for UCB on his portal. So not sure this means anything. I assume they would not have waitlisted students come to the admitted students events - it would mean way too many people.

Thats the admittions presentation one. Everyone can access it. People are speculating the welcome reception means something

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Which one do you prefer?

right now probably UCLA but a) i’m waiting for private schools, b) i also really like UCSD but my parents will probably make me choose LA over SD, and c) UCLA is like 30 min away from my house. Berkeley would be a nice surprise though.

I think, what you choose is publicity introduction, and it’s not Welcome Reception.

So, the Questbridge did not work for you.?
A friend of the family matched to Yale through this mechanism
We don’t qualify based on income

To add on to my point earlier, the strawpoll shows 30% received the registration link. That’s double the usual acceptance rate for Berkeley. It’s sufficient to say that this is all just nonsense. All the best for Thursday!


QuestBridge rejected me for National College Match Finalist which was a bummer since I had high hopes because I got into their junior year program. this meant I couldn’t match to a school.

true, but we have to remember CC is not a representative sample of the population and those who are actually talking about Berkeley on a college admissions-related forum will probably be competitive applicants and their parents.


Sample size of the poll is less than 200 when there are over 90,000 applicants total. Also skewed to people who come into CC and go on portal astrology. This might be nonsense, but you can’t discredit it just by the 30% figure.


No you can not definitively say so. People on College confidential are more pretentious about admissions and therefore sampling is skewed. Every single kid who got regents CAN access this…