UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I don’t remember but I think most of the comments/replies were posted on the day of. DK it will work this year cuz they patched the register thing and last year it was pretty well known.

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what withdraw thing?

So I am now confident that I got rejected. At least they let us know early !

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Commitee one i think? Not sure exactly

I know someone who got ‘not authorised’ when registering for the welcome event before, but a few hours later they had access to the event. So maybe UCB is still updating the portal?

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For real? That’s surprising.

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i thought after they have fixed it no one is able to authorize it.

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this was before it was fixed. I don’t think anyone can access it now


If this is true it’s massively disappointing that UCB made me depressed even before the decision comes out.


Do y’all think waitlisted ppl also had access, if the portal myth is true? Or would welcome sessions be only for accepted students


I’m hoping it’s true too.

Nah this is stupid lol I refuse to believe one of my schoolmates who did like 3 ECs actually got in


Do you know your classmate’s gpa or other stuff? If these are exceptional that it’s possible to get in.

Do y’all think waitlisted students had access to the welcome reception or only accepted students

No i don’t think so. Why would they allow waitlisted people sign up for an admitted students day meant for people who are accepted

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For what it’s worth, we could not access the welcome reception for my kid and we fully do not expect her to get in as this is a reach school.

When did you try? before UCB fixed the leak yesterday?

Before they fixed it. Again, if this holds true; it would not be shocking. However, with some of these other student’s amazing stats with not being able to access it, that would shock me.

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I can’t access it. Rejected? Who knows?

Got this message when I tried to access the link:

Our records indicate that you are not authorized to access this form.

The form is available only to applicants whose admission was denied* and is due by the following deadlines:
Freshman Deadline: May 1, 2022 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

Transfer Deadline: May 15, 2022 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

*Haas School of Business, College of Engineering and College of Chemistry do not accept appeals for Transfer students.

If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please visit Contact Us - Office of Undergraduate Admissions for assistance.