UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

kids with amazing stats were rejected or waitlisted from UCLA, UCSD, UCD and UCI. UC admissions this year is really crazy and I don’t think that we should automatically assume that high stats = acceptance


Yes, same here. Exact same message.

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So does the portal trick no longer work to view your “decision”?

agree. D22 has a good GPA(top3% in her class), course rigor 15Aps, cc courses, and good ECs still waitlisted on UCLA-applied L&S. It was very hard on her.

For what it’s worth, I was able to register for multiple welcome events like the California and New York ones. At the same time though, I don’t think I’m a super strong applicant for Cal. I have a sub 3.9UW with 10 APs and I was rejected from UCLA, waitlisted from everywhere else with the exception of an acceptance from UCI.

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Same for my daughter. And with a sibling there it really stung.

Same stats and same UCLA result for my daughter. It is wild to think that they received applications from 30,000+ students (accounting for accepted and WL) with equivalent stats/resume, but I believe that is exactly what happened.

I think UCB is evaluating similar numbers.

FWIW I was not able to access the welcome reception before it was fixed - was accepted to UCSD, UCI, and UCLA OOS.


Do y’all think the reception thing is real, I can’t handle the stress

I don’t think it’s real but I hope it is since I was able to register for the welcome event yesterday. We’ll know in a little over 24 hours. Good luck.

What I’m trying to say is that the welcome reception might not be indicative of acceptance/rejection because I’m not a likely admit.


Your stats sound pretty good to me !

Yeah, UCB can be hyper unpredictable. I think a lot of people will be surprised tomorrow in both a good way and a bad way.

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Same for my son and He was denied.
Now he is was able to sigh up again.

Are y’all still able to sign up for the welcome even registration?

i was the day before yesterday and yesterday early morning but not anymore.

whats your stats?

any astrologies? CalCentral? Withdraw button?

4.2 gpa, 8 ap’s, tons of art ec’s

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4.2 capped ?