UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

Looks like a 50-50 vote

Its highly skewed rn so its convincing

But I heard people are able to access welcome event NOW which is stressing me out… I thought welcome event access before patch meant acceptance and I was very happy about it but it turns out I’m probably a waitlist?

ill check again

the only people who can access the welcome event now are people who actually went ahead and REGISTERED for the event so they can still access it, everyone else cant after the patch


I’m pretty sure everyone is talking about before the patch.

Are people actually able to access the welcome event now? I thought they patched it?

they’re talking about those who ACTUALLY registered for the event and they can access it through a personalized link that Berkeley sent to their email for confirmation of attendance or something


Oh I see what you mean… Thank you for the clarification

that was solved, it was bc i was sharing the link directly emailed to me by admissions bc i actually signed up for the event

yeah i cant rn, they patched it

This all feels every indicative of acceptance / rejection

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That is true

??is everyone not able to access withdrawal form??

I am able to access it. And I was able to access welcome reception BEFORE patch

I am not

When was last time u checked?

No welcome event

Like right now

checked rn, I can access it.