UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I checked the welcome event maybe 10-12 hours after it was announced. Hopefully, I get in lol.

yea fam i hope u get in too! Good luck tmr

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Anyone know what time they’ll release?

Probably 3-5 pst

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Well, withdraw form is not authorized – looks like its the end of the road for me :slight_smile:

Tbh wasn’t expecting much since I applied EECS (sub 5% acceptance rate).

Maybe the portal astrology is wrong this year, and I actually get in :person_shrugging:

Will probably commit to UCSB.


Lol. They might release 8 am just out of annoyance at this astrology stuff.


not that i would mind that ahaha

Who else got unauthorized for the withdraw form?

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Poll is trending as if its a legit correlation like someone above said. Rejection > Admit > Waitlist.

Admit data is a bit skewed tho since its CC after all lol

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I can access Berkeley withdrawal form what does this mean?

for sure

Depends on if you could get into the welcome registration

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Right now there is about 100 votes across the 3 buckets. About 34 or 34% is admits. It’s not too skewed.


If you could, then it means you’re admitted; if not, then a waitlist

Where is the poll?

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Okay well none of them apply to me lol. I accessed welcome too late but could access withdrawal form.

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Why did UCB not fix it this year?