UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

its unlikely that it means acceptance. Because last year those with the unauthorized withdraw page were rejected

I mean I was able to access the withdraw page

if ur able to access withdraw page right now, its a good sign.

If you are able to access withdraw page right now, AND were able to access the welcome reception before Tuesday 12pm PST, its a great sign.



When I inspect element the withdraw form and search for the word deposit I am able to see a prompt (hidden) which says I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. And above it, the code says true. Does this mean acceptance?

It is so wild to me that UCB hasn’t fixed whatever it is such that year after year people are on here having this conversation! I don’t think we checked last year before my son got his decision (he was waitlisted, and last year the waitlists really never moved much except for UCSC), but if memory serves I think there was something to the astrology in terms of how things played out. Just feels like they should fix it so that all of the energy and effort you brilliant people put into trying to figure this out can go to something more productive (I don’t know what – curing cancer? building a rocket that can reach Mars?). In any case, wishing all of you luck and hope you all get good news! And if you don’t, I hope you end up somewhere wonderful. :slight_smile:


lol mine says: “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”


what time will ucb decision come out?

is that on your withdraw form or its source code?

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Source code, so I’m pretty sure its the same across everyones

May god be with the poor people who cannot access the withdrawal page but are still waiting and watching. It’s just like someone awaiting a death sentence… knowing very well that he won’t like the outcome but forced to wait anyways.

It’s just sad how a top 5 university in cs has bugs like this in its portal

I really hope they stop this nonsense with next year


agree. They gotta fix it


Like it has something that says, withdraw because I got accepted by another school ED

On the main thread, people have begun to report that decisions have come out.

I don’t see mine


its cap

If decisions were out the page would be inundated. It was one person who said her daughter’s friend got it. I don’t believe it.



Is everyone able to access this form?

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yea u got in bro. Welcome!!

Is being able to access this url a good sign or not?
