UCB Transfer easier than UCLA?

is it true that Berkeley accepted much more transfers comparing to previous years? Or is it because much more people applied to UCLA rather than Berkeley, so it is relatively easy to get into UCB? I have a big bias: I am accepted into UCLA and UCB and I am fairly proud of that, cause, after all, UCB is a really sophisticated school that requires excellent academic achievement for almost all majors. However, I am teased by my cousin today who currently studies in ELAC, and she said “Oh, UCB is so easy this year, almost all my classmates (chem majors) got in.” I admit that I am not feeling so well after she commented that way, but is that true? or is it my problem?

If this isn’t splitting hairs I don’t know what is.

Their acceptance rates are almost identical. They’re consistently ranked neck and neck with each other.

All the nonsense about one campus being more sophisticated than the other is for the birds.

But to answer your question, I don’t think they release the admission data for another few months.

Berkeley is a tough school to get into and that isn’t changing anytime soon so I wouldn’t worry.