UCB / UCLA In-state

Studied on UCB site that my child will be able to establish residency of CA while studying out of state. It is because one parent has established residency of CA and meets all the eligibility criteria.
But we are curious about admission process…I have heard that UCs try to see a student performance as compared to his/her peers in their home school.
What will be this process look like for my child since she will be the only one (most likely)eligible for instate while studying out of state. Is she losing her chances of getting into ? Will her performance be still compared with other students who are apply as out of state from her school.

This is from the UC Infocenter and shows aps, admits and gpa at the HS level for each UC. Use the FR GPA and other FR Tabs to see the detail you are looking for. You’ll notice a radio button allows you to select the high school type - select foreign or Non CA Domestic and you’ll get a sense for each of them.

this one gives you a summary view of the same data.

Both schools are VERY selective no matter where you apply from.

Good luck

Question: Since you state she will studying Out of State, when will she move to California? She needs to be in California 366 days prior to establishing residency for UC tution purposes. If she graduates from an Out of state HS, then you (the parents) will be paying OOS tution for the first year.

The UC admit rate overall for OOS students is as follows for 2020:
UCLA: 20.7% vs In-state of 13.6%
UCB: 18.3% vs. In-state of 20.2%

thanks a lot for those links…it really helped to see App/Adm/enrol at various UCs and for various school.

The admit rate for OOS seems comparable to in-state esp for UCB ? unless i am understanding it wrong

Well, she has plans to complete her school out of state unless she feels that it is reducing her chances of getting in UCLA/UCB. She will still qualify for in state residency under the clause i have below. Our main concern is how her application will be evaluated ? will it be evaluated same way as other high schools in CA? let us take an example. She is studying in texas where 50 students apply for UCLA. So does she have a good chance to stand out in her application as classified being CA resident or she is still competing with those 49 students?

from UCB:

  1. You have a parent who has a permanent address in California, but you live part- or full-time with a parent who lives in another state or country, or you attend boarding school in another state or country. If you can establish that a parent/guardian has a permanent address in California, than you may apply as a California resident.

I don’t know if this is exactly what you’re looking for because I’m not sure if they can answer your questions, but here’s a link for admission representatives for U.C.L.A. and the representatives for U.C.B.

Yes, she can apply, and the adcoms will evaluate her application as an OOS “resident”, but that doesn’t mean she has an advantage over another student applying from instate.

In 2021 Both UCLA and UCB had well over 100K applicants.
(LA=168K applied, 13% accepted, B=112K apps). You cannot assume that being a California resident means that she automatically gets into one of the two schools.

It does not matter whether she’s a resident or non-resident. It’s who the universities decide to admit, by the numbers of spots available.
A lot of qualified residents are rejected because the seats, at those two schools, are finite and extremely limited. Whether or not the parent is a resident does not give the child a significant advantage.

Edited to add: The daughter will also not have the ELC distinction provided by California high schools: Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) is a program by which the University of California identifies top-performing California high school students. Unlike the broader statewide eligibility pathway, which seeks to recognize top students from throughout the state, ELC draws qualified students from among the top 9 percent of each participating high school.
The UC’s will be able to tell that this child wasn’t able to participate in this program.