UCB, UCLA, USC, UCSD, UCI chances?

<p>Hey guys! I’d really appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you think my chances at these schools are! I’m not sure if I am being too hard on myself, or too hopeful so I’d like your advice  Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA (10-11): 3.9</p>

<p>-UC GPA: 4.26</p>

<p>-# of APs: 5, and I plan to take 4 more senior year. The ones I’ve taken are European History, Eng 3, Chemistry, US History, and Calculus AB</p>

<p>-Class rank: 40/779 (top 5% ish)</p>

<p>-SAT/ACT scores: 2150</p>

<p>-SAT II scores: Math IIC 760 US History 740 </p>

<p>-AP scores: Euro (5), Chem (4), English (4), US History (4), Calculus (5)</p>

<p>-ECs : CSF lifetime member
class cabinet 9th grade
National Honor Society (member 3 years, cabinet junior year, senior year treasurer)
Varsity debate since junior year, involved for 3 yrs
treasurer of Muslim Student Association-sophomore year, secretary-junior year, VP senior year member freshman
public relations & cabinet of Environmental Club- sophomore year. treasurer/cabinet-junior year, president senior year member freshman year
DCI Youth Committee vice pres since 10th grade (this is a nonprofit organization I am a part of that helps kids in poverty in Bangladesh and India)
interned over summer of 9th at Bangladesh for DCI</p>

<p>-honors/awards: 5th place out of 49 teams at novice champs debate
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar</p>

<p>-essays and recs should be pretty good, I hope</p>

<p>I think you have a really good chance at all of them! Nice work.</p>

<p>Your academics are good, SAT scores are on the higher end for the UC group and you’ve displayed leadership ability.
The only problem would be your sports - you don’t have any, and that might be your weak point. I still say you’ve got a more than decent shot : ) </p>

<p>Would you mind chancing me ?</p>

<p>Knowing what your intended major is would help confirm this, but I agree that your chances of acceptance at UCB and UCLA are excellent, as well as USC and you are “in” at the other UC’s. Make sure your ELC paperwork has been completed from your high school (top 9% status in your graduating class).</p>

<p>Go to the link below, click on “Custom Tables”, answer a few questions, enter up to 3"mean characteristics" at a time (ex. GPA, overall SAT, ELC, etc.) to see what the UC admit rate is for someone with your stats/profile at all the UC’s:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“http://statfinder.ucop.edu/]University”>http://statfinder.ucop.edu/)</p>

<p>thanks guys! yeah i dont have sports…and i know i want to go into pharmacy but ill check undeclared on apps :confused:
and sure ill chance you :)</p>

<p>Competitive scores and definitely a case for ‘leadership’ and ‘special talent’ points that UC Administions can give. What’s your major? I’d say 90% chance in top-tier UCs.</p>