**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Hi! I was wondering how would I be able to access these live chats?

Hey guys, I donā€™t know if youā€™re aware of a possiblity to attend Cal in the Spring semester? Check out the link below:


Good luck to you all!


tomorrow from 1:30 - 4 pm, then 1-4 pm weds and thurs

Yes, NucEng.

What do you guys think of the ICE situation?

@nitwittttttt The way things have been going in this cruel world, they will probably find some inexplicable reason not to take anyone off the waitlist, even though they just lost a ton of international studentsā€¦But they will wait until August 1st so waitlisted people can suffer a while longer.

So would they replace these lost international students with in state applicants?

^^ I would not be opposed to that.

if anything I would assume they would replace more oos to make up for the cost but considering how the other waves have been it most likely is gonna be a mix of both in-state and oos

i agree with @kash123. i think they would use more oos to replace the intl students. itā€™ll still probably be a 75% IS and 25% OOS/INTL ratio but more OOS will be admitted than INTL.

So, thereā€™s probably no real hope for in state, unless OOS students are unwilling to pay the high tuition for online classes. UCB is calling it hybrid, but only 3% of classes are in person. Thatā€™s sad for the instate students.

no, IS has a rly good chance imo. the waves usually have a ratio of 75% IS admits and 25% OOS/INTL admits and I think that still stands for the next wave. So if 50 OOS/INTL get in, 150 IS will still get in.

The whole process is a joke. Any good students who might have interest will say goodbye now. What a bureaucratic mess!

i think the waves are much more likely to favor oos kids. while itā€™s true they keep a roughly a 3:1 ratio of is:oos/int, way more int kids are dropping than is because of the ICE policy and general inconvenience of this situation. all we can do is hope though! :slight_smile:

lol fax. I donā€™t know how other schools are currently handling the wl situation as I know it is challenging at this unusual and unprecedented time. However, the least they could do is be clear and transparent with us. We have no idea what is really going on. Every AO on the live chat says something different and it makes it hard to really believe anything they are saying. They have been extending this waitlist for two months and I really hope they do not extend once again.

so iā€™m not on the ucb waitlist, but iā€™m on the ucla one and they said that everybody will receive their decision by end of june but nothing has come out yet. same situation here. i have a feeling this ice situation will affect the waitlist

So the UC system is suing ICE for the new international student law. UCB is also making an in person class just for international students to come. So looks like thereā€™s little to no chance for us. However, what really bugged me with this is if theyā€™re going to fight so so hard for their precious international students and ensure they still come, why keep us out to dry on the waitlist? why wait until almost a year since we started our application to finally give us an answer? Weā€™re students too that need to move on with our lives. Now I agree that the new policy is messed up, could the UCs show that amount of effort into us as well instead of making us feel like weā€™re not worthy of their time? Figure out your own waitlist before you go around suing people Berkeley!

@nervoussenior111 Laswsuits take a long time lol. Nothing is gonna change instantly. Also, they planned to add a few more in person classes, but there was literally a COVID outbreak on their campus, so they emailed all students saying fall might be fully online. Definitely wonā€™t add more in person classes. I think a inperson decal was planned, but from what I heard in-person decals arenā€™t happening next year.

Second of all, there was definitely a chance regardless of all of this. They took many nuclear engineering students off the waitlist last week(BEFORE the ICE announcement), and AOā€™s have confirmed an L and S wave next week.

Thirdly, this policy is messed up, and of course universities are suing. They need finances from intlā€™s too. I agree that we need/deserve an answer soon, but I think youā€™re being unnecessarily pessimistic, and that some of your info has been switched. Also, international students from foreign countries would likely feel uncomfortable coming back to the U.S. Thereā€™s also the fact that in person sessions have to be small, and they have to be approved by SEVP, so there canā€™t just be an international student class.

From what I see, Berkeley students and admins planned for more in-person(to help internationals), but there was a huge outbreak on campus (greek life), and this forced them to stop in their tracks. And, Iā€™m pretty sure the WL had some sort of a shot regardless, theyā€™re prolly just working out capacity and whether they can accomodate a few more students due to the prospect of spring 21 being online seeming to be 95% chance.

@collegeappacc the aoā€™s said there was gonna be an L and S wave next week?

@SwaggyZ yeah they mentioned that during the chat the other day ( i think 2 days actually) - well they said there would be one Mid-July, but they clarified mid-july to mean next week.