UCD vs UCSB to Transfer to UCLA or UCB

<p>So I’m deciding between sending my SIR to either UCD or UCSB. I would like to know which everyone thinks, between the two, would be a better choice if I am going to try and transfer to LA or Berkeley after 1 or 2 years. I know the uc intercampus transferring is difficult, but I will definitely give it a try. Thanks for any responses!!</p>

<p>Since you should aim to complete the GE at your campus to get UC Reciprocity, look at the GE at Davis and SB to decide which one is easier to complete!</p>

<p>UCLA gives intercampus transfers the same priority for admissions as CCC applicants. </p>

<p>“While we accept applications from students from other 4-year institutions, we give priority to students transferring from other UC Campuses and California community colleges. Many of these schools have special programs that help students prepare to transfer to UCLA or other 4-year institutions.”</p>

<p>[FAQ</a> - Denied Freshmen - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/faq/FR_Not_Adm.htm]FAQ”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/faq/FR_Not_Adm.htm)</p>

<p>It is not as difficult as you might imagine. I was admitted to UCLA this year from UCI. UCD and UCSB are both comparable to UCI so IMO, go to whichever one you’ll enjoy the most. The rigor of the curriculum should be similar. GE’s are nice to have done, but pre-req courses are the most important. If you want to get a head start and lessen the pressure once you start at a UC (quite a difficult change from HS), I suggest you attend a CCC this summer if you have time and knock out some of those pre-reqs/GE’s. If you didn’t pass many AP exams in HS, I’d highly suggest going to a CCC during the summer. </p>

<p>As for Berkley, I have no idea. I know they don’t give priority to intercampus transfers. Personally I did not apply (although I kind of wish I did now). I will add that I think one of the factors that helped me get into UCLA was the fact that it was the only campus I applied to and I specifically mentioned reasons why in the personal statement. If you can, do some research on which campus you’d most like to go to and focus on getting into that school. Try to enjoy your time at UCD or SB though. One of these places could be your home for the next 4 years so I hope you grow to liking it there.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t recommend going to either of these schools with the intention to transfer. If you plan to transfer, go to a community college first. Why waste time, money, and effort on a UC you don’t want to be at?</p>

<p>That said, these schools should give you the same shot at UCLA or Cal.</p>

<p>Berkeley generally discourages intercampus transfer.</p>