<p>I’m struggling with which one to choose…there are some pros and cons which I’m already aware of. I know Davis is ranked higher and has a good reputation for science, and it’s about two hours from where I live. I’m also drawn to Santa Barbara though, because from what I understand there’s not a huge difference in academics and I’ve heard the social life is much better. I’m not a huge party person, but I also don’t want a school where everyone goes home on the weekends (as I’ve heard is true at Davis). Does anyone know if there is a significant difference in the number of students that go home/off campus on weekends at UCD versus UCSB? I’m also interested in either English or statistics as my major, which I realize are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum, so I’m wondering: which school covers both of those areas better?</p>

<p>I’m currently a student at UCD.
I don’t think you should care too much about the rankings of the two schools. They’re both great schools. And I think according to USNEWS, they are both ranked the same.
As for UCD’s students going home on weekends… some do… many don’t. I personally go home on many weekends because I have stuff to do at home, but whenever I stay, most of my friends are there also. There are more people who stay than who leave.</p>

<p>Here are some Cons of Davis:
I’m from the Bay Area, so I’m not use to having seasons. Summers get as hot as 110, winter gets as cold as 30. (This past year at least) right now… the weather is AMAZING. The weather is usually pretty good except for at the extremes during those few months (you’ll be gone for 3 weeks in the winter, and possibly not even there in the summer… so… yeah.)</p>

<p>The tercero area smells like cow. Other than that, the rest of campus is fine.</p>

<p>Not walking worthy. Campus is pretty big… but biking makes it not a problem. There are people who walk to classes… but yeah… pretty far walks sometimes… and during certain hours… you might get ran over by bikes.</p>

<p>I’m not listing any pros for Davis since I go there and probably will be bias. but I can say that I love it there :)</p>


<p>UCD is more prestigious than UCSB because UCD has a law and medical school while UCSB does not. However, I think UCSB would be a good idea if you were going to grad school as long as you attend a more prestigious grad school afterwards. The UC’s with law/med are UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, and UCD and these schools offer a more traditional experience.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that prestige is directly tied to having professional schools. Many LACs are well known and are some of the biggest feeders to grad programs, yet don’t have grad schools themselves.</p>

<p>I went to UCSB, I’d say very few people go home on the weekends. I was from San Francisco (about a 5 hour drive to SB), and I only went home twice during a quarter, once for a Warriors playoff game and once for a sibling’s graduation. I think being far from home forced me to grow as a person and learn to deal with stuff on my own. </p>

<p>By the way, I also lived in South Davis for two months a few summers ago. I’d say the biggest difference is that Davis is spread out while Isla Vista is very dense. Also, in Davis you have families that are interspersed in between students and that’s why the laws are more restrictive regarding student noise. East Isla Vista is pretty much 100% students.</p>

<p>What school is better socially? I want a friendly environment</p>

<p>^SB is a top ranking private school. Maybe that is a friendly environment. :P</p>


<p>UCSB is not a private school.</p>

<p>For those of you who have experience with both schools, I know UCSB is more of a party school but which school is less cliquey? Which school is more diverse? Since I live in Northern CA, will I be better off at Davis since it’s better known in the area?</p>