Hi guys, so I was accepted to the Burnett med scholars program at ucf but am also considering doing the 7 year med track at usf. I’m having a really tough time deciding which one to choose, as both have their pros and cons. Could you help me out…?
My daughter is in UCF BMS program. She enjoys it so far. She was really sick on the final week and got a B+ on her chemistry last semester. She doesn’t seem too scared by that grade. I assume most people in premed track will be. But she is not, knowing that 3.7 or 3.8? requirement is still very achievable.
Don’t have experience with USF program, so can’t comment on that. But I heard based on your first year? or first 1 1/2 year grade status, you will be determine whether you can progress or not. So in that sense, you are still under the gun to perform your utmost at USF the first three semester.
So UCF probably allows you a smoother easing process into the curriculum.
Either way, you can’t afford to slack off too much. You still require that 3.8 and MCAT 510-512 requirement. Neither USF nor UCF want you to slack off and pull down their average class admission profile. Your numbers still have to conform to their medical school average.