UCF email address??

<p>Does UCF give new students official UCF email addresses? How and when do they get this? How do you get on the UCF network for facebook without one? I know that at UF, you are assigned an email as soon as you are admitted (ex. <a href="mailto:seiclan@ufl.edu">seiclan@ufl.edu</a>). At UF, your professors email you through your UF email. How does this work at UCF???</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure they give you your email when you go to orientation</p>

<p>Actually, my s's orientation leader last year suggested to his group that they use a gmail account. She felt it was more reliable. So, he's been using that for all correspondance with UCF. </p>


<p>What is a gmail account?</p>

<p>It's like a yahoo account, only I believe the kids set it up through google. They'll probably mention the particulars at orientation again. If they don't, I'll ask my S what they told him to do last year.</p>


<p>They've just got a new program in place for student email but I can't say how it compares to the terrible one that was previously given to students as I've yet to register for it. I've just used a gmail account for any school related mail. Here is what the email I was sent says about the new setup:</p>

<p>"As an enrolled UCF student, you can now sign up for your official Knight's E-mail account. The account is a special version of Microsoft Hotmail, customized specifically for UCF students. Knight's E-mail will be your official UCF e-mail address that administrators and faculty will use to communicate important information regarding your academic career. In addition, your Knight's E-mail ID will give you access to various Microsoft Windows Live features including SkyDrive file storage, Microsoft Office collaboration software, instant messaging, blogging and much more."</p>

<p>Yes, the school's e-mail addresses are really unreliable and no one uses them. For the sake of signing up for facebook (which I assume is why you want it) go here to sign up for the new e-mail addresses. </p>

<p>Go to this link for all the fun: <a href="https://www.secure.net.ucf.edu/knightsmail/faq.aspx%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://www.secure.net.ucf.edu/knightsmail/faq.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>At orientation this year before they had us register for classes they had us make a ucf email.</p>

<p>AndroidKing- How was orientation? Were you able to get all the classes that you needed or wanted for summer and for fall? We don't attend orientation until June 16. Any helpful hints?</p>

<p>The main thing I noticed after it was all over, is your in a room with people that have pretty much the same major and need the same classes. So while everyone is fumbling with the email try and get on the registration site and try to get the classes you want first. You should be able to see the classes now but just can't sign up for them so just write down the class numbers for what you want and type them in when you're there.</p>

<p>One of the classes I needed I'm taking the pre-requisite for now. I had to show them that I had either just finished it or was currently in it. They had me fill out a paper and then they gave me permission to sign up for it. By the time I got around to it there was only one class left open so I had no choice. When I got home I saw one seat had opened at another time so I dropped a couple classes to get in that one. As it turns out that paper was a one time deal and I could no longer get in the class. There were other classes that filled that requirement so I was able to go elsewhere. Also there is a swap button that I probably should have used to get in the other class. The class was calculus 3 and I was there on the first day they started orientation and was signing up for fall classes.</p>

<p>The lunch they had was sloppy joes and I hate sloppy joes, but they had a Sbarros, burger king, and chinese place. Take food money in case the food offered isn't to your liking.</p>

<p>The newer version of UCF mail is pretty good. Though I don't think they even mentioned to us Burnett kids about setting it up today (just got home from orientation).</p>

<p>I know I for one had no issue getting into the classes I wanted (time and requirement wise).</p>

<p>I just got back from the honors orientation and easily got into all the classes I wanted at the times I chose. I also signed up for Spring!</p>

<p>I have a weird schedule though for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I'm pretty much in class all day on Tuesday (8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, with a break for lunch) but only have one morning class on Wednesday (9:00 to 10:15) so I pretty much have the whole day on Wednesdays to make up for the lack of time on Tuesday. On Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays I get out of classes by noon. I guess it's just a fact of college life I will get used to.</p>

<p>Also, I just got an email from UCF telling me to sign up for the UCF email account. Check your email if you went to the honors orientation.</p>

<p>honors kids never have problems getting classes, bc 1) you guys sign up a month before everyone else, and 2) your honors, so you get what you want.</p>

<p>Just fyi.</p>