<p>Love how the forums log you out automatically after like 15 minutes, and inform you of this fact the moment you click "Submit New Thread", erasing all the well thought out and properly edited inquiries a person writes.</p>
<p>So sorry for the now boring question thread, but I'm too lazy to retype everything with sprinkles of humor, and then to edit it for the ease of the reader.</p>
<p>Me: Loves academics (more so than anything else). Loves Physics (more so than any other field in academia). Got a 5 on AP Physics (not too important, but at least shows some dedication). Am interested in UChicago and Reed, and basically that is all. Strong science in each, LACs, and very rigorous academics.</p>
<p>Pros and cons of UChicago's Physics department would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone could offer any information regarding summer research prospects through the university or its partners, I would likewise be thankful.</p>
<p>Pros and cons of Reed's Physics department, should you happen to know of Reed (which it seems many UChicago applicants do), and how it differs from UChicago's program, would also be welcomed.</p>
<p>Again, sorry for a boring post; next time I'll prevent raging at CC by ctrl-c-ing the sucker before touching that damned submit button.</p>
<p>I need to decide which to focus in on for early applications, and which to let be a "backup", thus opinions or information regarding my questions is an immense help. Thanks again,