<p>My friend was accepted to UCI's Honor program in CSE and UCSB's CS program. However, he is now facing a dilemma between the two.</p>
<p>Taking into account the Honors advantage at UCI and the computer science programs at UCI and UCSB, which campus should he pick?</p>
<p>Being in thet same situation, actually I was chosen for thet honors program for psychology, I picked UCI and SIR’d two days ago
I’ve visited and talked to many people at UCI and they all tell me how big the benefits of honors is. I did hear UCSB has a beautiful campus and has an awesome social/party scene</p>
<p>You get many benefits of being an honors student, but keep in mind that anyone can become an honors student with a certain GPA (3.5 or something). That being said, incoming freshman are invited to join the Honors program if they meet a certain criteria. If they are not invited, they can apply second quarter as long as they meet some requirements, such as GPA, and reap the same benefits.</p>
<p>You can always join the honors program at UCSB after your freshman year (3.6 GPA and above I believe). Computer Science is really strong at UCI though with so many new options being offered this year.</p>