UCI or Chapman? Really need help!

Hello! Is anyone trying to decide between UCI and Chapman? I was admitted to both for Journalism, but am having a difficult time selecting. I do want to go to graduate school after, so being in a program that is fairly small is important to me in order to make connections with my professors and advisor. UCI would be of no cost, while Chapman would be about $16K per year. I should also include that at Chapman I would be in the honors program, if that makes any difference. I hope to get very involved at my university by being a part of student organizations and would like to be in a collaborative environment with small class sizes.

If anyone has experience with one or both of these schools and the major, I would love to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for your help during this confusing time!!

I think I am confused because UCI would be of no cost, while I would have to pay for Chapman and I think UCI has a better reputation (not sure about this) but I may be more supported and better able to build my resume at Chapmanā€¦?

UCI should be the obvious choice, less cost than Chapman. Also, UCI is ranked much higher.

Chapman is well ranked regionally, but UCI is more highly regarded.

go with the most affordable option, always