<p>when did you get in?</p>
<p>Just checked at 8:00 pm</p>
<p>Did you just get accepted today?</p>
<p>@ ninko6</p>
<p>I’m also Criminology, Law and Society (last week).</p>
<p>Yes, this evening.</p>
<p>@ninko6 congrats!! What was your GPA and did you TAG? I’m also a criminology major and I still haven’t heard anything :/</p>
<p>congrats, I didn’t realize they released decisions today. I guess it was only a handful of people.</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.89, and I live Irvine.</p>
<p>Got accepted! I checked this morning and nothing was there. I discovered my acceptange at 9pm. I’ve been on this thread since page one! hahaha.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.68
Major: CS
prerequisites: missing about 3 pre-reqs
TAG: Nope
Last English/Math completion: completed english 101 in fall 2012.</p>
<p>OMG I checked because of Ninko and I got in!!!</p>
<p>Major: Business Economics
GPA: 3.68
Pre-reqs: I’m actually missing quite a few of them. I didnt take further math courses (Math 220 and 270 for El Camino College) and a few other courses that El Camino has no courses for.
Extra Curricular Activities: Nothing, besides working for two years at a warehouse.
Wow…I tagged UCSD so I didn’t get any cheerful feelings when I got in for UCSD, but WOW I feel so stoked for getting into UCI without TAG :)</p>
<p>Edit:seems those extra courses that I didn’t take are not actually required for my admission. Explains why I got in…I was wonder how I got in with half of my courses missing. Just needed Micro/Macro econ and 2 semesters of Calculus.</p>
<p>Accepted ! 04/17/13
math major
<p>Congrats everyone! I’m getting so discouraged :(</p>
<p>@fuzzyducky22 I feel the same way, I’m seriously thinking that I won’t get accepted.</p>
<p>Congratulations to everyone who got accepted! I was also accepted today - just checked.</p>
<p>Major: Business Economics
GPA: 3.94
Major Pre-requisites: Calculus 2 currently in progress; rest of the prereqs are completed.</p>
<p>3.84 gpa
Japanese Language and Literature major
No Tag</p>
<p>What a relief! Seems like this wait has been forever.
Congrats to everybody!!!</p>
<p>I thought I’d mention that some people told me I might have a problem getting accepted with my required transferable math in progress this spring semester, but it apparently didn’t hurt me at UCI.</p>
<p>I’m getting REALLY nervous now that I haven’t gotten anything still! This is so strange…</p>
<p>Not going to lose hope just yet though.</p>
<p>@anadela I just read all of these acceptances and checked also. I have not heard ANYTHING =/ </p>
<p>I’m trying to stay patient and positive but inside I’m going completely crazy…lol</p>
Question, did you guys get an e-mail or just check your message center?
and anyone from northern california been accepted?</p>
<p>my friend got an email before he got accepted, however I didn’t get an email which is strange</p>
<p>I’m from Northern California. 3.9 GPA. Haven’t been accepted. </p>
<p>I don’t plan on going to Irvine, but I am a little concerned they haven’t accepted me…</p>
<p>@wordofteekz RIGHT?! I’m HIGHKEY about to lose my mind just because I could’ve sworn i’d get an e-mail or a response in my portal today…but it’s not over yet! just wish UCI would stop teasing us right now, lol.</p>